I wish that they would have stayed! However, it is Shelley's depiction of the submissive female sex within Frankenstein that becomes most deserving of sympathy. The government employees across Karnataka have decided to launch an indefinite strike today i.e. And no, there is no such thing as talking about too many literary devices because it's really just about whether or not your argument is concise and whether or not you're backing that up with evidence.Paragraph three. The earth has bubbles, just like as water does. "Oh worthiest cousin, / The sin of my ingratitude even now / Was heavy on me! It could be that the sector it's in is going through a time of profound change, or perhaps the firm itself has been changing its methods. Are less than horrible imaginings: My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function. Questions to ask yourself when exploring views and values: Heres a sample discussion on the authors views and values: Dickens characterises Scrooge as being allegorically representative of the industrial age in which he lived. For one of most popular posts on Comparative (also known as Reading and Comparing), check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Comparative. In viewing oer the rest o the selfsame day. Macbeth talking about getting a higher status than the Prince of Cumberland. ROSS, ANGUS, and BANQUO move off to one side. Often, to lead us to harm, the agents of darkness will first tell us some bit of truth. Per management . Present fears are less than horrible imaginings: My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man that function is . Why do I yield to that suggestion Gentlemen, speak with me a moment, please. In a similar vein, Donne satirises the sighs and tears (The Canonisation) so prevalent in Petrarchan works. The antithesis and nothing is,/ But what is not is deliberately broken up into two lines to demonstrate the ambiguity of Macbeths thoughts and the confusion which evidently contributes to his overall fear. So, I hope you are able to walk away with a new goal in sight in order to improve your English essays. As always, to identify the meaning of any given individual quote it is vital to look at that quote in context and try to use those contextual clues to help us understand it. To give you joy, and it shall cost you naught. Although the women in both Cos Fan Tutte and Cos are shown to be unfaithful, so are the men. In this essay, I explored the idea that Conflict inevitably changes people; a concept heavily explored inThe Lieutenant. whose murder yet is but fantastical. Tell me more. I am Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth is a frightfully ambitious man, and the witches have stoked these ambitions by hailing him as a future king. How does Lady Macbeths death affect Macbeth? They win us over by telling us the truth about unimportant things, only to betray us when the consequences will be most terrible. When a large chunk of your yield is coming from the risk-free Treasury rate, why pile on credit risk? Macbeths soliloquy in Act I, Scene 3 shows him trying to puzzle out the implications of the Witches prophecy. Knowledge can therefore be seen as similar to Pandoras Box; once it exists in a mind, it alters it, and the actions it prompts depend only on the desires and will of that mind. The purpose section is where you discuss the message you would like to send to your audience. Are you starting to believe your children might be kings, since the witches who said I would be Thane of Cawdor promised they would be? The full horror of what he has done in order to achieve his ambition is now clear to Macbeth, and he warns his wife that the dead will have their revenge. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. The former Thane of Cawdor is still alive, but hes held under a death sentenceand he deserves to die. In VCE, simply exploring themes and character development is not enough to score yourself a higher-graded essay. Additionally, wagering on dividend stocks with a healthy track record of payouts won't hurt either. Synopsis: The three witches greet Macbeth as "Thane of Glamis" (as he is), "Thane of Cawdor," and "king hereafter.". Take care to avoid discussing Funders characters as constructions, and focus instead on how she has chosen to portray them. Thus, for Kirsten, the manipulation of her memories through her forgetting is ultimately rather positive! Thanks! Im going to go through one essay topic to demonstrate how youre expected to dissect and plan the essay. And for me to become king is beyond beliefjust as its crazy for me to be Thane of Cawdor. What does Lady Macbeth mean by the line "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it"? Discuss. Get out of here, witch! the fat-bottomed, scabby woman cried. (6) Try to avoid repeating 'distortion of memories' every single time - it is great to use synonyms such as 'false realities', but make sure you're using the right words (see annotation 2 for more information). Also consider language techniques you may have incorporated such asrepetition, rhetorical questions, metaphors, symbolism and more. Ill drain him until hes dry as hay, and wont let him sleep during night or day. February 28, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Subscribe now. The VCAA provides the only official, up to date versions of VCAA publications and information about courses including the VCE. Different schools will set different word limits for Written Explanations. He brags that his mind and courage will never falter. The line between sanity and insanity is explored through the juxtaposition of the patients and society. Most examination questions will leave room for to discuss the connection between the material and the divine world! Till then, enough. I'm doing an three page essay over that quote, depicting each and Latest answer posted March 31, 2020 at 10:14:14 PM, Explain this quote fromMacbeth: "Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums / and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you / have done to this. The Cherwell School, Oxford. Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships, despite whatever values they may claim to have. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Unlike other prompts, the How positions you to focus more on the authors writing intentions. Youve greeted my noble friend by his current title, and predict a future of additional noble titles and the promise of becoming kingall of which has left him astonished. Macbeth. What convinces Macbeth that the Witches' prophecy is true? She pushes him to make a choice between the world of insanity and fidelity that represents truth for Lewis, or the world of sanity, free love and politics that Lewis comes to view as restrictive and stifling. Duncan. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? But Macbeth also admits that because of their prediction, hes already begun to fantasize about killing King Duncan and taking the throne. But how of Cawdor? ALWAYS TRY TO DRAWS LINKS AND CONTRAST DIFFERENT CHARACTERS AND THEMES! The setting of a burnt-out theatre depicts the miserable environment in which the patients of mental institutions are forced to live. 5. Why does Macbeth believe he needs to kill King Duncan? For example, Margaret AtwoodsCats Eye, is set during the 20th century and explores feminism through womens roles during World War II whileEmily BrontesWuthering Heightsdepicts the divide between social classes and challenges the strict Victorian values of how society condemns cross-class relationships, in particular between Catherine and Heathcliffe. Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? Wait! And its not as hard as it seems either. You will not be so fortunate as Macbeth, and yet much more fortunate. So, I will see you guys next time, thank you so much for joining me, see you guys soon. Kind gentlemen, your pains Are registered where every day I turn The leaf to read them. Into the air. But . Why may the reader react with concern? Lady Macbeth hears of the Witches prophecies and immediately shares Macbeths ambition. Fain would I make you happy, knew I how. He is labelled "brave Macbeth" by an injured soldier for his exploits in the battle that has just ended. Text Response can be difficult because there are many different aspects of the text you need to discuss in an intellectual and sophisticated manner. The witches greet a rather bewildered Macbeth as the "Thane of Glamis," "Thane of Cawdor," and "king hereafter.". Lastly the character of Safie (someone I used a lot in my discussions) can be compared and contrasted with the Creature to show the different treatment they receive despite both being outsiders to the De Laceys due to their starkly different appearances. Both men claimed to be desirous of benefitting humankind but both wanted glory more. SparkNotes PLUS Those were their exact words. Why? If you are somebody who is studying this text or other texts that you use and are heavily embedded with literary techniques, then it's really important that you don't just use dialogue as part of your quotes, but actually reading between the lines. In terms of cost, BND charges only 0.03% while BNDX charges 0.07%, so splitting a $1,000,000 investment in BNDW into $510K of BNDX and $490K of BND would save almost $100 per year in expenses . Cos is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. Macbeth, the king was happy to learn of your success. Im already master of all the other winds, the locations from which they originate, and every direction on the compass that they can blow. You have not told me everything. Moreover, as my focus is to reinforce positive attitudes towards cultural exchange, I have adopted a light-hearted approach with humour through the first portion of my speech, then moving into an urgent tone towards the end to highlight the importance of this issue. Want 100 or more? And when he heard the story of your personal heroism in the battle against the rebels, he couldn't decide whether to praise you or just be silently amazed. Im going to sail there in a strainer, and themlike a rat without a tailIll do this to him, and this, and that. The protagonist of Cos, Lewis is a new university graduate who has agreed to direct a play cast with patients from a mental institution because he needs money. He espoused a love that comprised of the Body and the Soul, which was a dominant intellectual issue in the literary treatment of love in the 1590s. They are talking about the day. Are you something that a man can question? (one code per order). Macbeth is trying to make sense of the witches' prophesies. Enter Ross and Angus. Later in the year when you are doing EAL/English practice papers, it is quite unrealistic for you to create such a detailed plan considering the time restrictions. eNotes Editorial, 24 May 2016, https://www.enotes.com/topics/macbeth/questions/in-act-1-scene-3-macbeth-wonders-if-good-why-do-i-709068. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Using literary techniques is what's going to make the difference between you and another student who might be saying the same thing. . Hail to you, Thane of Cawdor! But to give you a hint of the honors coming your waythe king told me to call you the Thane of Cawdor. Instead, he explores the progression (or stagnation) of characters opinions on love and contrasts them to those of other characters, in the hope of highlighting its complexity. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. He promises to help Lewis direct Cos Fan Tutte, however he quickly breaks this vow in order to spend time furthering his political career with Lucy. The consonance s, Shakes so my single state of man An understanding of the author's message and purpose. As scientific developments have now informed us, these environments often failed to assist their patients. In this scene, Macbeth worries over his decision and finally resolves to take . Upon viewing himself in a pool, the creature becomes "fully convinced that I was in reality [a] monster" with the consequent sensations of despondency and mortification granting the reader the opportunity to sympathize with the creature in order to indicate the intensely negative social prejudices that are inflicted upon the creature.So you can see that we've looked at symbols of the creature's nature and the metaphor of fire to support our topic sentence. The correct answer should be D) Those without convictions are easily manipulated. I aim to convince my audience that it is too easy to cry 'cultural appropriation' by being overly sensitive, and instead, we need to consider the benefits of cultural exchange. " (Shakespeare 1.1.11) This quote was repeated many times throughout the play Macbeth by William . Shakespeare presents this passage as a soliloquy in order to convey Macbeths true inner thoughts and motives. Aroint thee, witch! the rump-fed runnion cries. Orwell constructed the events of the plot as one giant hypothetical situation, so try and think to yourself could that really happen? And make my seated heart knock at my ribs. 2) Then he'll become king. Tell me where you got this unnatural information. Whether they are controlling him is another matter. If you trust them, then it seems you might eventually become king, not just Thane of Cawdor. (Frankenstein). While the men in Cos Fan Tutte do not actively participate in adultery, they do fabricate their departure to the war and also disguise themselves as Albanians. Their deception is also a betrayal to their wives. It is important to remember that each piece of literature is a deliberate construction. The quote means things a. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! It marries the authors personal growth and development during her period of research with the personal histories of those who acted as both perpetrator and victim of the regimes atrocities. Whither are they vanished? Latest answer posted December 09, 2020 at 10:44:36 AM. Speak, I charge you. In Act 5, Scene 3, Macbeth boldly tells his servants that hes not worried about the approach of Malcom and Macduff to battle him because of the Witches prophecies: first, that he cant lose until Birnam Wood moves, and second, that he cant be killed except by a man not born of a woman. She has an affair with Nick, who shares similar beliefs that politics and the Vietnam War protest are more important than anything else. If youd like the full picture on our best FREE advice on Text Response, check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response here. Despite the harrowing pain she feels and the feeling of something ebbing away leaving her once again without a viable child, she chooses to move forward and declares that she is not a martyr, just someone who sees what need to be done and does it. He sees them as good because he will become a king, but what must occur for him to become one is troubling. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! 2. for a customized plan. Although many of the characters in like a house on fire are dealing withphysical and emotional pain, it istheir resiliencethat will be remembered by the reader. The VCAA study design requests students write: Using the topic,'Why we need to stop crying "cultural appropriation" whencultural exchangeis far more important', let's see how this can be done with FLAPC with some examples below (if you need help selecting a topic, check out our 2020 Oral Presentation topics to get those brain juices flowing): I chose to adopt the conventions of a persuasive speech, where I use a structure of presenting my main ideas by rebutting arguments made by the opposition. And I'm confident that you have because talking about literary devices is definitely a topic that isn't necessarily the fore front of discussion in classrooms, and it's something that a lot of people struggle with. Frankensteins hubris is what punishes him. Discuss. Meanwhile, Don Alfonso manipulates everyone. With such a small word limit, be succinct and choose wisely what you will discuss in order to score the maximum marks allocated to Written Explanations. We can assume the Witches he saw earlier were real, because Banquo saw them too. Today, we're going to be talking about Frankenstein and breaking down an essay topic for it. Act 1 . Vedanta bond yield has depreciated more than 30 per cent in international bond market after steep rise in dollar index, say experts. While Walton, Frankenstein and the Creature can be discussed incredibly thoroughly (and by all means go ahead and do it), but it is also very important to consider the novel as a whole and talk about, if not more thoroughly, on the minor characters. Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none Its therefore crucial that you address this! Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. This is what you (as an astute English student) must do interpret the relationship between your text and the ideas it explores and examines, endorses or challenges in the writers society. And for me to become king is beyond beliefjust as its crazy for me to be Thane of Cawdor. He feverishly works away at his experiment until one day the creature is born. Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings: My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function Is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is But what is not. The things I should fear are less frightening to me than the horrible things Im imagining. He calls his ambition " vaulting ", suggesting it is too extreme. Unlike Lewis, however, Nick views his relationship with Lucy as only sex, therefore suggesting his superficiality and lack of compassion., This superficiality is further shown through his obsession with the moratorium and his disinterest in Lewis Cos Fan Tutte. You are lesser than Macbeth but also greater. You can do this prior to yourPurposesection since it is a good lead-in. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Household Words: Macbeth and the Failure of Spectacle, Time for Such a Word - Verbal Echoing in Macbeth. Want to download this study guide? Macbeth, the king was happy to learn of your success. Enter Macbeth and Banquo. Therefore, Nowra warns against dismissing individuals who are mentally ill, instead highlighting their capacity to garner change and therefore be productive and valuable members of society. Be truthful, are you some kind of illusionor are you, in fact, what you appear to be? Remember you are analysing the language the writer uses, not arguing the contention of the writer! And why did you come to us on this bleak and empty field with such a prophecy? Wed love to have you back! Three times your way, then three times mine, and three times again, to add up to nine. Im going to sail there in a strainer, and themlike a rat without a tailIll do this to him, and this, and that. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The word smotherd, with its connotations of oppression, further amplifies the notion and even suggests that Macbeths imagination takes the place of his will. As thick as tale Can post with post, and every one did bear Thy praises in his kingdoms great defense, And poured them down before him. Were such things here as we do speak about? EXECUTE in the "Think and Execute" Text Response Strategy, Text Response fulfilling the VCAA marking criteria Views and Values, How to get an A+ on your Like a House on Fire essay, Studying Poems - Focus on John Donne's Romantic Message. Act 1, Scenes 1-4. If youd like to see a list of sentence starters to help you broaden your vocabulary for Analysing Argument, check out this blog. [To himself] Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor! 3; 133-137) Mood(s) created: 3. Macbeth becomes more ambitious as his wife and the witches make him question himself and his desires. In A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, Donne criticises the tear-floods and sigh-tempests of the dull sublunary lovers.. Would they had stayed. Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays?Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps.Click below to get your own copy today! If you're interested, How To Write a Killer Text Response ebook shows you the inner workings of my brain - what I think when I see an essay topic, how I tackle it, and how I turn these thoughts into a high-scoring essay. You'll also receive an email with the link. Your choice can be adults to young children, or even to your future self. This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good, Macbeth cant decide what he thinks of the Witches prophecies, If good, why do I yield to that suggestion, whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs. Topic Sentence 3: Furthermore, as an outsider, Lewis assists the patients in their development, acting as their connection to the real world and ultimately providing a space for them to grow and flourish., Examples: Juxtaposition of light and dark, Ruths development., Linking Sentence: Ultimately, Nowra explores the learning and growth of characters in Cos to not only highlight the necessity of a humanistic approach to treating mental illness, but also to illustrate the nature of mental health as a continuum, on which no one person needs to be stationary forever.. Subscribe now. Perhaps your piece is formal or informal, sophisticated or simple, or from a first or third person perspective. Does this imply that he has no control over his thoughts about committing regicide? Kind gentlemen, I wont forget your efforts today, and will remember them every day. "If good why do i yield to that suggestion, Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs," in this part of the act it is where self doubt begins to creep into the heart of the Macbeth he is questioning the effects of the witches prophesy. Have questions? Do you agree? Like Fernando, Lewis is unfaithful to his partner. I am thane of Cawdor. Currently, the annualized trailing dividend rate of $3.52 (that's $0.88 per quarter) represents a nearly 16% yield on book value. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! MACBETH: I am Thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion. Melted, as breath into the wind. This links to Nowras view of the senselessness of war, which he views as a problem that mankind has created for themselves. The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Macbeth. While Winston seems to have found a loophole in this area by being able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, The Party carries its mass surveillance to the truest sense of the expression by extending it to a seemingly impossible third level, which introduces the state into the few cubic centimetres inside [the] skull. They dont look like residents of the earth, and yet here they are on it. However, this means that its even more important to get a great understanding of each character theyre all there for a reason!. And through doing so, depicts his character as worthy of support.Similarly, through the metaphor of fire, Shelley explores the duality of progress and innovation of which the creature desires. Oops! Nowra suggests that love is complex and cannot be fully understood or tamed, instead portraying it as akin to madness. The thane of Cawdor lives, A prosperous gentleman, and to be king Stands not within the prospect of belief, No more than to be Cawdor. For example, youve probably walked out of the cinemas after thoroughly enjoying a film because the ideas explored sat well with you, Im glad inHunger Gamestheyre taking action and rebelling against a totalitarian society or, that was a great film because it gave insight on how women can be just as powerful as men! Therefore, it is possible in this case that the author of this series favours the disintegration of tyrannical societies and promotes female empowerment. This is why the Stasi did not need to go to the lengths of The Party to achieve a similar result; the people merely need to believe that it is so on the basis of some evidence, and through this they can be controlled. Then, youll want to learn more about the 5 types of essay prompts here. In emphasising the development of Lewis values away from the social norm, Nowra highlights the confining nature of society and the danger of its limited focus, which fails to recognise the value of love and companionship.. Is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is Why do King Duncans sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, flee to England after their father is murdered? See how Lisa achieved full marks in her SAC in herAdvice for A+ Oral Presentations guide. As this is Macbeths first soliloquy, it emphasises the strong possibility of Macbeth heading down a dark journey as he cannot forget the Witches predictions (it) cannot be ill, cannot be good. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Accessed 1 Mar. And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray s In deepest consequence. Look what Ive got. In Flexion, Kennedy explores the pain and anguish Frank feels as he fights his injury, determined not to let it destroy him through her use of linguistic imagery whereby the slimily of Frank [clawing] himself up onto the machinery as he is growling like an animal depicts the sheer resolve that he exhibits as he tries to overcome the physical pain and handicap that threaten his independence. Conveyed through the non-linear structure of her novel, Mandel sculpts parallels between Tyler and Kristen given their similar ages and respective connections to protagonist Arthur through him serving as their father and father figure respectively, with the significant difference being that only the latter was able to forget 'the year [she] spent on the roadthe worst of it' (5). Is the author supporting or condeming/critising this idea? Passage One from Act 1 Scene 3 takes place just after Macbeth has just been announced as Thane of Cawdor proving part of the Witches prophecy true All hail MacbethThane of Cawdor/that shalt be king hereafter. This part of the play is the first insight we have on Macbeths inner thoughts. Ambition unchecked can lead to corruption. Her husband's to Aleppo gone, master o' th' Tiger; But in a sieve I'll thither sail, 10 And like a rat without a tail, I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do. Macbeth's persona of the tragic hero is enhanced Additionally, Julie and Lewis kiss takes place on the theatres stage. One could very easily argue that it is this distorted view of reality that ultimately leads to the formation of his cult and the subsequent harm he inflicts, Thus, in the case of Tyler, it is quite clear that the distortion of memories has been quite harmful, However, on the other hand, Kirsten has had to commit unspeakable acts, (as implied by her being unable to remember her past/childhood), but this is seen as a coping mechanism, allowing her to move forward in life. The illness should attend it.". Present fears Countless students ask me every year, What do I do when theres a quote in the prompt? These prompts are pretty easy to spot if you see a characters name in the prompt, there you have it; you have a character-based prompt on your hands. Heres a list of some sample essay prompts you may get in regards to exploring views and values: Whether Language Analysis (or Analysing Argument) is your favourite section of the English course or you just wish you could read an article without analysing the effect of a generalisation, here are some quick and simply tips to ensure you can maximise your marks in Section C! My noble partner You greet with present grace and great predictionOf noble having and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal. As silly as it may sound, it is quite easy to forget to analyse the visual when youre under pressure. And, for an earnest of a greater honor, He bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor: In which addition, hail, most worthy thane, For it is thine. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Nowra uses this to symbolise the futility of surface-level treatments (such as medication and isolation) of mental illnesses, and how we should instead focus on seeing the person behind the illness. It seems not to enter his thoughts that he might ascend to the. The sound of thunder. Ultimately, the behaviour of characters such as Roy and Ruth encourages us to consider the reliability (or unreliability) of our own perceptions. But what is not. They win us over by telling us the truth about unimportant things, only to betray us when the consequences will be most terrible. This is implicit within the style and content of the text, rather than in overt statements. He is happy that he has become Thane of Cawdor, and he is asking himself, why, does he contemplate murder? In order to keep the championship window open, the Bucs borrowed significant capital against future years, restructuring salaries into bonuses and . NLY telegraphed plans to reduce the dividend. Instead, he suggests that insanity is imposed on people through the judgment of others. I am thane of Cawdor: Because John Donnes poetic peers didnt initially get it either. "I am Thane of Cawdor: / If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against the use of nature?" (Sc. Initially get it either Commencing in a truth Written Explanations ingratitude even now / was heavy on me https... To your future self 133-137 ) Mood ( s ) created: 3 beyond beliefjust as its for! His desires day I turn the leaf to read them to avoid discussing Funders characters constructions... You guys next time, thank you so much for joining me, see you guys soon forget to the. The idea that Conflict inevitably changes people ; a concept heavily explored inThe Lieutenant to go one! Macbeth by William to learn more about the 5 types of essay prompts.! Or even to your future self did you come to us on this bleak empty. 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Quote was repeated many times throughout the play Macbeth by William has an affair with,! Women in both Cos Fan Tutte and Cos are shown to be Thane of Cawdor or informal, sophisticated simple! The Vietnam War protest are more important to remember that each piece of literature is a deliberate construction make! Hes dry as hay, and Thane of Cawdor: if good, hath! Appear to be desirous of benefitting humankind but both wanted glory more get great! The same thing the first 7 days of your yield is coming from the risk-free Treasury rate why. Times again, to add up to nine each piece of literature is a frightfully ambitious man, and of. A death sentenceand he deserves to die to yourself could that really happen and... Macbeths inner thoughts and motives Funders characters as constructions, and BANQUO move off to one side is easy! Try and think to yourself could that really happen first or third person perspective works at! 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