If they say no, I tell them they dont have to.. Hi there! I do have to agree with the OP that a pea-size amount isn't very much to work with and feel like you covered all the affected areas, which for me was all over. In my case this protocol was a godsend. I would also especially avoid over washing the most sensitive areas of your face which are usually around your eyes, nose and mouth. Good Luck. I get pimples if I use moisturiser more than 2 days in. She said it is a common misconception that everyone always needs a moisturizer, it's needed when your skin becomes or feels dry or dehydrated. Sure enough they all flaked off within 7 days, AND I had a lot. My cleansing and moisturizing don't need to change. I was just in shock because I cant imagine not being on SPF with Accutane. Plus, it can add some moisturization, too., READ MORE: Itchy and scratchy: Two new treatments may offer hope for eczema sufferers. Ive been advised that acne prone or oily skin should only be treated with Gel moisturizer, never cream and definitely Not before any retinoids because the moisturizer creates a barrier the retinoids cant get through. "The sunscreen in your moisturizer or foundation is not sufficient on bright sunny days, because you do not use enough of it to give you sufficient UV protection," explained Dr. Shainhouse. I have been using this product for two months now and see a definite difference in the red areas. Hes a good doctor and Im sure its ok for my case specifically. I know we need to listen to our dermatologists, but when mine told me to stop using sunscreen (and moisturizer) and that I shouldnt have been using it due to my acne, I was questioning my whole existence because that goes against everything I was taught by every dermatologist and aesthetician of the internet, especially now that Im on Accutane, I thought sunscreen would be the most essential. Accutane thins and damages your skin. I use sunscreen the most when theres acne on my face but he told me to wipe that idea clean and only use on clear skin which made me think: whats the point of my acne-centric SPF when theres nothing on my face to protect (I know SPF is more than that, but for me, its about acne now), Did you ask why he is against sunscreen? $13. Tretinoin is Schedule H drug in India and must be used with doctor's prescription only. Every single one. Obagi believes that our skin gets used to being provided with moisture and therefore stops producing its own and its a problem, since our natural moisture is the real thing that keeps skin looking youthful and healthy. In general, retinoids, due to the sloughing off of your dead skin cells, have anti-acne and anti-aging benefits. I think I am going to try her way now and hope for the best. But he didn't tell me when to stop using it or to stop ever. My boyfriend and some friends who have never touched a single skin product in their lives have perfect skin. Epiduo is a topical acne treatment containing 0.1% adapalene and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Others might need more mosturiser, because their oily skin is their body's attempt to counteract aggressive tensides that strip away natural oils and the ensuing dryness might actually contribute to greater cornification. The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors . They sold everyone that idea that you will dry and age. However, if your skin is on the dryer side, they can work against you. IPL Laser Side Effects - When do They Go Away? I hear you. I can only imagine how dry you were on accutane. Hot water whisks away the fatty substances in the skin that help it retain water. Even if you use a non-comedogenic moisturizer perfect for your skin, you may still get breakouts from internal issues and blame the poor 'ol innocent product (as I did). the dermatologist told me not to use moisturizer so my skin was literally so dry that it cracked and bled. The best moisturizer is cetaphil, if you can get it where you live, it's amazing, and every derm I've met recommends it. I'm leaning towards the epaderm sense it's more in there. Plus, every Dermatologist I have ever watched videos from puts moisturizer as a basic that should be in a skin care routine. But even if you have dry, flaky skin, Skotnicki says moisturizer isnt necessary unless its causing discomfort. She also wants me to use the EpiDuo only after cleansing and toning, nothing else. Please read our Commenting Policy first. However, this product, which is a prescription, is not for use long term, and the brand offered requires you to use their products such as a moisturizer, which can get very expensive. What's your problem? Less is more! By contrast, face-to-face time with a dermatologist is usually anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Dr. Zein Obagi, a Beverly Hills-based dermatologist and founder of ZO Skin Health, says that using moisturizer could actually be detrimental to skin. He said dryness is a symptom of my medication gel and that it is a good sign, because it is drying up my pores and means my skin is not oily. It's a great barrier cream that would protect the skin after applying and helps soothe angry, inflamed skin." Pavitt Finish with a lightweight SPF: PCA Skin Sheer Tint Broad Spectrum SPF 45 $50 Shop Now By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He prescribed 0.025% Tretinoin and basically outlined a super simple routine for me, which seemed pretty standard and legit. But you can use aquaphor as well. My dermatologist said when I experienced dryness or dehydration she recommended a moisturizer, wether I use prescriped products or not. I'm usually one to push "listen to your derm" but I'll have to respectfully disagree with him/her on this one. It seemed to irritate me and make me face red. I went to a dermatologist today (the highest rated one I could find at a reputable clinic), and he gave me a pretty standard run-down of my acne issues and what to do. They tend to argue that the focus should be on mimicking natural moisturising factors (NMFs), which the body produces by itself and that a lot of moisturisers dont do this, and make skin worse. April 1, 2022. I would look for another one. Acne.org's was fantastic but I didn't like the tawny texture it gave my face, if only there was a white version of it haha. Probably because I wasn't doing it properly, who knows. Privacy Policy. I use very simple things on my skin.I haven't got time.I would always get facials and then come home laden with product, and pay a lot of money and never use it.Anyway, one day a dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil to clean my face and as a moisturizer, and that's what I do.one day a dermatologist told me to use This milky cleanser also contains hyaluronic acid and three essential ceramides. Is moisturizing really as critical as I've been told all my life? Do you think I should just suck it and do as she says as she is obviously way more educated on this topic than I will ever be? Considering this is a professional individual who earns a LOT of money dealing with these things and has dedicated his life to the subject of skin, shouldn't I trust him? SkinBetter SunBetter Tone Smart SPF 68 Sunscreen Compact. Maybe when he said 'moisturizer/cream' what he meant was not to use any other creams or treatments (like Epiduo/Deriva gel etc). During this time some providers don't necessarily recommend moisturizer. The trouble is, he told me to wash my face every morning and night with lukewarm water and a simple soap and NEVERmoisturise. But then she also told me I have to stop using moisturizer. If you're already a fan of The Ordinary, you'll know that this isn't the brand's first Natural . That's also why Stevenson says she's okay with patients who use moisturizer with SPF . He gets paid a hell of a lot of money to consult people and professionally advise them on their skin, and he has a degree to back it up - surely if he was wrong, then he wouldn't be in this position and all the scientific study he has spent years on would be incorrect, no? When we are treating Hyperpigmentation we often use hydroquinone (a topical product that blocks your skin from putting down more of the pigment). Cookie Notice i was going for 7 years and my acne never improved. The letter F. . Press J to jump to the feed. There are even moisturizers that target those with specific acute skin conditions like eczema and rosacea. Like with a serum or gel, don't pair it with retinol. He also said that Benzyl Peroxide, because of its drying nature and because it wasn't doing anything for me, wasn't my best option, and he put me on this treclin gel, which doesn't dry me out very much and I only have to apply before bed. Discuss these recommendations further with your physician. PEA-SIZE IS ALL YOU NEED. Lactating/ breastfeeding women will have to consult their doctors. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2494.2012.00751.x/full, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3997206/, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4025519/. Our mission will be to explore international offerings as well as our equally effective desi products, particularly those found at our ever-dependable, local chemists across the road. Skin that is calm and in balance is less apt to break out. $180 at augustinusbader.com. Always love learning something new! People wash and shower every day and by doing that, youre removing some of the skins abilities to do what it does. Of course, it feels lovely to apply and it seems to,. When I think about the most superfluous parts of my skin-care arsenal the products I use that are probably more fun than they are effective I think about the detoxifying booster drops I add to my night cream, the exfoliating scrub for my eyebrows, and the sheet masks made just for my neck. Waldorf recommended adding a retinoid and finding a new sunscreen. So I was visiting my derm yesterday because of my acne that I just cannot get rid of. I can see exactly what you're saying and a lot of posts on the internet agree with you, but I can't help but think that the person who is telling me the opposite has literally had a top class education in this field, studied everything and anything about skin and knows what he's talking about. They have no adverse effects on the resolution of the "coffee grind" like pigmentation. "After Baume is perfect. apparently moisturizers make your skin soft and fresh but that will make your skin dependent on it instead of producing its own oilso it doesn't function as normally.i can see you needing moisturizer when you are older and your skin has stopped producing oil on its own, but when you are young maybe it's not as needed. From what I recall you are incredibly photosensitive while on Accutane and sunscreen is essential. And I have been using moisturizer pretty much all my life, so I don't even know what my skin is at its "baseline". He was really nice, listened and even used to have acne himself, which is why I've listened and followed his regimen. His skepticism of moisturizers is almost at conspiracy level. On 1/8/2016, 310, Shriekin Contender said: 1996-2023 The American Acne Association. Even recently I've been started to feel irritation and I'm even seeing redness, all of which I can only imagine are side effects of the bad weather, washing and acne gel. At my practice in New York, I recommend using a good skin cleanser and then a lightweight moisturizer after our clients have IPL treatments. Using sunscreen is great and all but if you are not going to follow the directions on the product about how often to reapply etc. Men come into my office all the time and show me their dry legs and ask me if they should moisturize, Slotnicki said. This intense cream works to bring damaged cells to the surface and remove them while preventing the further development of abnormal cells. Actually, at some point of my life (mid 20s, had some health issues, a lot of medications, including hormone therapy. Of course, this doesnt mean that you should cleanse and go without adding a layer of SPF to your skin. Indeed, if you look on the site of his current skin-care brand ZO Skin Health (he sold his eponymous, and still wildly popular, Obagi Medical Products line in the '90s), youll notice there is no moisturizer category. I get dry after washing my face, tight, flakey and uncomfortable, but nothing I can't manage. I can never find a perfect moisturiser and they all tend to have something that bothers me. Related Topics Dermatology Health science Applied science Natural science . I have tried Differin, Tretinoin, nothing has worked so far. $65 at SkinBetter. The American Acne Association does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Shop This. They can offer you stronger remedies when traditional OTC stuff no longer can keep up with breakouts. Ill have to do some research on this! Dr Rachael Eckel and Professor Peter Elias come to mind. I've been on everything you can think of. Second, when you do use your moisturizer make sure to use the smallest amount possible. But if you think I'm giving up my eyebrow exfoliator, think again. ; My face wash . On the one hand, I sort of get it. And my skin tends to run drier, so I imagine for oilier skin types there are merits to a simpler routine like this. Time is definitely on your side with an esthetician. "Natural moisturizing factors are molecules that help the. Obagi says you should stop using it cold turkey even in the winter and wait three to six weeks. A bit of moisturizer isnt a bad thing, but its the thought process of the beauty industry that says to moisturize all the time, she says. Yes, I agree with you. Or if not because my last dermatologist visit he told me to use the ointment. According to many reports eye cream, makeup, or moisturizer doesn't cause milia but honestly, I've used richer eye creams that apparently were the culprit behind my milia issues. Because this is exactly what happened with my doctor too. . However, now that I've had two kids, I've had to majorly change my skincare routine to accommodate for my needs during pregnancy and while nursing. I understand that this is for my own good and for a good reason & I will listen to him, but I just need to share this because its the most bizarre thing Ive heard all day , oh no no no, what a bizzare thing! She concedes that people with skin issues, like eczema and psoriasis, need extra hydration because their skin doesnt function properly, but for the rest, its practically unnecessary. My problem is, I've been using this for months and I see a little improvement, but I'm still breaking out and I'm still unhappy with my face, but I'll persist because I've tried everything else. Want to discuss? However for me personally what turned my bad acne skin into "just" unclear or acne prone skin was stopping all products, even forgoing washing with water when it was possible and instead using a cotton ball with pure rose geranium water to wipe down my face and then using pure hemp oil. She put me on clindamycin and sulfur and asked that I quit benzoyl peroxide. Rosehip oil, witch hazel toner, Neutrogena moisturizer, face wash, and sunscreen. Be kind and respectful, bullying will not be tolerated. Like those . I went to the dermatologist, because I had mild acne, not severely bad, but not good either. Skotnicki, who recently authored the book Beyond Soap, believes that people have a tendency to over-wash, which inherently dries out skin. Scientifically, the very top layer of your skin turns over every two weeks, so Id say it would take about two to four weeks for you to have new skin that wont require moisturizing.. All in all, I didn't feel good . Very curious because I did this during my nose surgery a few weeks ago, I solely using a wash cloth and washing every few days and was spotless. Lactating/ breastfeeding women will have to consult their doctors. People have to learn to read their skin and give it what it needs. It can be difficult to use a pea sized amount but I think the most important thing is to try to use the smallest amount you can get away with and usually the amount you need is smaller than you think. Alternate using salicylic acid and retinol at night. And what I have learned is that everyone's skin is different and reacts differently to treatment. It can mean a lot of trial and error, trips to a derm (or 3) for advice, but in the end, you know your skin best. Your skin may feel like its missing something or like it's stinging or burning, depending on how long you were using moisturizer. But the withdrawal, he claims, is worth it: When patients come back in about five weeks, they thank me. I battled acne for 24 years. However she may or may not change it in my follow up which is next week. But in the interest of potentially saving a few bucks not buying. "I don't moisturize, I let my skin kind of peel and after dries out initially, then the fact that I don't use moisturizer kinda makes me produce my own moisture in my skin and collagen," she explained. My two cents: Everyone is different. My dermatologist told me to wash face with Brevoxyl (contains BP), apply Klaron in the morning, apply Differin every other night, and DO NOT USE MOISTURIZER! Only use the gel in the evening as part of your night time regimen. I didnt use a moisturiser while i was using an acne facewash for 5 months, and i ended up with some sort of eczema & weird dry patches. I have an alcohol free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and oil-free neutrogena white moisturiser, that cost me quite a lot of money some time back, so I might start using that on the particularly dry areas, and hopefully try change my routine to avoid having to use it at all. I had a strange reaction to cetaphil. Press J to jump to the feed. Especially if you are using irritating acne products. Every single one of them told me to moisturizer right out of the shower. I'm still faithful in my dermatologist though, because he's spent many years of his life professionally studying this subject, and people on the internet are just people really. Maybe I'll just cut it down to a few times a week when I'm feeling dry. Efudex, also known as Efudix, is one of several topical medications used by skin cancer patients. The recovery from an IPL treatment depends on the patient and on the aggressiveness of the treatment. Dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi says that when cells recognize that an outside source has already hydrated the skin, there's no need for natural hydration to take place. Has anyone else here experienced the same or got told the same thing by their Derm? Aesthetic doctor David Jack seconded Kerr's stance, telling me, "The effects of moisturizer are usually pretty superficial and short-lived. To the commentors, Please keep rule 1 in mind. Dr. Ahmed isn't a fan of foaming cleansers. A select few need something stronger, like a retinoid, antibiotics or even Accutane, to manage their acne. This is a big question for dermatologists, and most of the doctors I interviewed told me they wished more patients would ask that. True story. If your question pertains to personal queries, please post your routine/question in the appropriate weekly threads. Use only a PEA-SIZE amount for your ENTIRE face. So what does our skin require? My dermatologist prescribed me a Clindamycin and Benzol Peroxide Mix (1% * 5%) for my hormonal acne. I started using Epiduo in the middle of May when my dermatologist prescribed it for me. If dermatologist did not advise you on an alternative I would change dermatologist. Is the condition linked to mental health? I went my whole accutane course without moisturiser. I've found two so far which look pretty decent: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Neutrogena-Oil-Free-Moisture-Combination-Skin/dp/B000052ZB8/ref=dp_ob_title_hpc, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bee-Naturals-Oil-Free-Moisturizer/dp/B008IVZXKA, Not sure if you're invested in this topic enough to care to have a look at those or carry on commenting.. but I've sent it anyway haha, Also, a lot of moisturisers seem to have an absurd amount of oddly named chemicals, which don't seem to convince me much either, regardless of its comedogenicity scaling. The tree gets its nutrients from the ground,he offers by way of analogy. The key is just to not get into a daily habit and only use it when needed. definitely not the place to go for acne. Let the glow commence! The same goes for the revered Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream, $290 for 50ml. Yes, my skin is super oily and clogged, moisturizer and sun screen would block my pores even more, but he told me I can go back and use them after Accutane got rid of my acne. Not gonna lie, I am a bit terrified since my skin always feels dry after the HA and the moisturizer has made it feel soft. Typically they happen when dead skin cells decide to hang together and get trapped under your skin's surface. But the reality is that its not even that effective. Cleansing, stimulation and protection (namely SPF), he says. I do shampoo my hair most days and I am a guy, so I'll look into this, because I get acne on my upper back, which could be a cause of all the harsh chemicals and product falling down my back every day. On the other hand, this goes against all conventional wisdom I've ever heard so I'm very wary in stopping moisturizer lol. Some experts believe that it's not necessary to moisturize skin as the body is already equipped to do it on its own. I used my finger and rubbed it in and after a couple days more spots appeared and I would cover that area. Thank you very much for your input. I get flakey tight skin, sometimes it hurts in an irritating kind of way (when I touch it), but generally, it's just dryness. This particular cream is a topical chemotherapy applied to the skin in areas where sun damage has occurred. Derms are skincare experts with many years of medical school on their side. The sunscreen she suggested is good but smells awful. Hi, there! The daytime moisturizing cream from the Hydra-Essentiel [HA] range is available at a price of 47.50 euros on the official Clarins website. Here are some reasons why you might feel like you are getting conflicting advice. In fact, I cant decide whether cleanser or moisturizer is the more fundamental product, but if I were to whittle my multi-step routine down to the essentials, those would be the two left. I said you were right, but told you why I don't apply sun screen. recently was told that it was hormonal acne but after getting the opinion of several other dermatologists . You didnt actually disclose the advice in full in your first post, Thats besides the point, I cant use sunscreen during my acne period and on Accutane which from my knowledge, is when skin is the most vulnerable. 5. No never heard that ur gonna want to use more. There were also facials and other at the office treatments during this period. Did he give any reason behind it? Thats quite strange. Thank you so much for this. His recommended routine? I don't think a light face moisturizer is necessarily a bad thing but from personal experience I have two pieces of advice. Read my comments properly before you snap at me. It really depends on the context of the advice. Hello, I have a question. But I have never once questioned the need for my moisturizer. Some people might have no problem with moisturiser, but anything irritating might make their acne worse, even though acids help in theory (with exfoliating and therefore letting sebum moisturising your skin instead of getting trapped in comedones), but for some they apparently disrupt the skin barrier, which might weaken it for bacteria to enter. Share your questions, frustrations and triumphs! It litterally stops your sebum glands from producing oil. Brave & controversial take: your derm could be right. i don't know if i have done any permanent damage but i am glad i at least don't have an oil slick face all the time. I do use HA only on damp skin but once it is sucked up it feels so dry which is why I stopped using it at all at some point and just used the moisturizer. Some doctors recommend bath oils. She kept referring my Deriva gel as cream. Its a radical and controversial stance, but other experts tend to agree. Keep skin soft with a daily moisturizer. 3/7/2020. Side Effects may include but not be limited to Dry skin, Peeling, Skin redness, Burning, Itching, Stinging sensation. Isotretinoin WILL dry you and so I remember using moisturiser generously, or at least the normal amount during this period. Dermatologist Zein Obagi, Founder and Medical Director of ZO Skin Health, told me the same thing. Thanks for your feedback. He said I can start using moisturizer and SPF when Accutane took care of my breakouts and for now I should avoid the sun by hats and roofs instead (which will take like 2 weeks since I just started Accutane today). !dermatologistsbefore the 5th one figured out what was wrong with me. When we are treating Hyperpigmentation we often use hydroquinone (a topical product that blocks your skin from putting down more of the pigment). Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that causes breakouts. I didn't want to leave my room. Photo: Laura Doss/Corbis. When I asked if the moisturizer I used was okay (Cerave in the tub), he said DON'T use any moisturizer at all, that it just makes my skin "lazy" and slows down cell turnover which leads to acne and wrinkles, and that my skin will hydrate itself once it's used to not using moisturizer anymore. Videos from puts moisturizer as a basic that should be in a skin care routine all my life after... Moisturizer, wether I use moisturiser more than 2 days in science Natural science, says. Never improved especially avoid over washing the most sensitive areas of your face which are usually around your,... Think again good but smells awful `` listen to your skin & # x27 t... Pieces of advice of may when my dermatologist prescribed me a clindamycin and Benzol Mix. I imagine for oilier skin types there are even moisturizers that target those specific. And 2.5 % benzoyl peroxide is necessarily a bad thing but from experience. 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