For many companies, the strategic competition between China and the United States will top the list of standing risk issues to discuss. Geopolitical risk is the number one global corporate risk. One stream is to work for consultancies - i.e. As a result, they fail to examine the broader strategic landscape, full range of risk scenarios and consequences, or key decision points. Sophisticated geopolitical risk management can also help investors identify arbitrage opportunities. The role is responsible for ensuring that the People Safety & Security (PS&S) team are supported by leading Nokia's Crisis Management system in response to physical risks that impact Nokia operations. As a geopolitical risk analyst, your job is to conduct an analysis of the geographic and political risks to investments. We found that there is no uniform approach to geopolitical risk management. This could suggest CROs view this area as continuing to carry business importance but believe that the pace and scale of political change may be slowing.. Companies may want to gather internal and external perspectives before deciding what to include in market compacts. In 2020, it will move beyond strategic tech . Banks are used to quantifying risks that can be measured, with long, historical data series serving as inputs to create future scenarios. Our policy and political risk consulting team helps business leaders to anticipate, analyze and navigate the challenges arising from political developments. The most successful opportunists carefully monitor any situation that may, at first glance, appear to be a threat. Integrate geopolitical signals and risk assessment into strategic-planning processes and define actionable strategies to both protect the business and take advantage of emerging opportunities. Andrew Grant is a senior partner in McKinseys Auckland office; Ziad Haider, based in the Singapore office, is the head of geopolitical risk and a director of risk in Asia; and Alastair Levy, based in the London office, is the global director of risk. Geopolitical Intelligence Group (GIG) is a leading provider of intelligence services, offering strategic and operational insights into the complex geopolitical environment that affects businesses. As geopolitical events can influence market conditions in industrialized countries just as much as they can impact developing countries, assessing and understanding them through the conduct of an effective geopolitical risk assessment will help mitigate risk exposure. Holding regular briefing sessions with a companys board and senior leaders on relevant geopolitical risks is a key midterm action. Putting politics first since 1998. On the other hand, most global companies deal with a range of localized geopolitical risks on a rolling basis. trust us to help them make informed decisions, Professional services Thank you! Accurately forecast, quantify, and compare the financial viability of new investments and existing business activities by sector and project type, Bespoke Risk Scoring Advanced Country Analysis & Forecasting Nowhere is the fallout from current geopolitical tensions more apparent than the unfolding competition between China and the United States. It becomes even more complicated when global events such as pandemics, cyberattacks, geopolitical upheavals, or supply . Major geopolitical events can often arise quickly and unpredictably. Geopolitics, corporate governance and ESG. Turning Geopolitical Risk into Strategic Advantage, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications, Designing Resilience into Global Supply Chains, How President-Elect Biden Will Approach Global Trade, Whats at Stake If the US and China Really Decouple, Assessing Approaches to Geopolitical Risk Management. Systemic-risk managers adopt a primarily defensive position, focusing on protecting their businesses from the downsides of change. Our geopolitical risk intelligence solutions provide end-to-end coverage of political, violent, sovereign, banking and investment risk worldwide. While no one can predict the future . A quick message or email to the global functional marketing, finance, or risk community, the company told us, allows for rapid troubleshooting, the cross-pollination of insights, and the sharing of best practices. They explain, "In volatile times such as these, a company's instinct is to focus on defense to protect the business from harm. Capital reserves, credit portfolios, investment policies and capital and debt profiles all demand constant scrutiny to adequately manage and mitigate risk. To ingrain the importance of external relations throughout their organizations, some companies rotate high performers and potential candidates for upper management into country leadership positions, where risk management becomes one of their duties. As one of the country's top political consulting firms, Global Strategy Group has worked with many diverse and high-profile clients to serve a range of unique needs. For instance, it can compensate for the value of an asset following an expropriation or . The threat to US dominance and the potential development of what some describe as a bipolar global order, pitting the West against China and Russia, is a risk worrying American policymakers as well. The geopolitical landscape is shifting rapidly and creates multi-dimensional challenges for global organisations. Our Asia-Pacific footprint is now a huge advantage.. To gain a deeper understanding of the geopolitical risk management practices of global companies, we conducted structured interviews with current and former senior executives of large organizations, with various headquarters locations, in ten diverse industries. Read our @SPGCI report:, For the first time since 2006, The Progressive Corp. recorded more personal lines net premiums written than GEICO C, Occidental #Petroleum's chemical division sees lingering uncertainty in polyvinyl chloride and caustic soda demand, { To sharpen their view of the shifting global landscape, a growing number of major multinational corporations have been investing in their abilities to identify trends early and to influence the decisions of host governments ahead of major transitions, such as sudden changes in trade agreements or national governments. legal content, expertise, and technology, Find essential resources With geopolitical risk on the rise in advanced economies, the house view on opportunity in markets such as the US, the UK, and China has become elusiveand boards and management teams are often divided on where to invest or allocate capital for long-term growth. Managing volatility requires an understanding of the impact on business, customers and environment. Understand how geopolitical trends impact your business We help organisations understand the complex issues defining international business, geopolitics and cross-border regulation so they can better anticipate change, identify opportunities, manage risks and ultimately shape the future of their organisation. Seek to continuously measure and monitor the impact of geopolitical risk management activities on the business. China and the United States decoupling in the technology sphere is another political risk in 2020, considered by the Eurasia Group as "the most impactful . Geopolitical risks affecting banks or banks customers have expanded significantly in recent years, according to a global survey report issued late last year from consulting firm EY. Experienced in political affairs, non-profits, articles and blogs, with demonstrated skills in research and analysis on politics, policy, and history. Our main office is located in Oslo. Enter your username or email to reset your password. But if those talks dont directly affect a companys operations, its board may not need to dedicate time to them. People may worry that a company will hold itself to different standards in different regions. They should regularly look up from tending to the immediate needs of their operating environments to learn, adapt, and prepare for external and internal shocks and pressures. In the next two decades, competition for global influence is likely to reach its highest level since the Cold War. The client was exploring the feasibility of moving people and equipment to several Turkish ports and was concerned about the impact of political volatility, crime and corruption on their operations. New market entry Sign up to receive periodic news, reports, and invitations from Kroll. We call these archetypes holistic-risk evaluators, risk entrepreneurs, systemic-risk managers, and nascent-risk managers. Eurasia Group 2023. Economic uncertainty (32%) and inflation (26%) are among the leading factors underlying supply chain risks. We look to pool talents and expand our network around the globe to better serve our clients' unique interests in different respects. We support each client's unique risk profile . Responsibilities: Provide cogent geopolitical risk analysis to a diverse array of clients and various internal teams in written or recorded deliverables. Work with us to assess, quantify, and integrate country and geopolitical risk into your . firms, Expand your audience and your capabilities by joining our partner program, Integrate Thomson Reuters content and functionality to enhance your tools and workflows, Offering insight into corporations in the U.S. and abroad, Insights on issues concerning environmental, social, and governance topics, A look into the inner workings of government and the courts, Legal coverage focusing on the business and practice of law, Featuring an expanded insight into the world of tax professionals, Technology and innovation resource center, Exploring how technology and innovation will influence the evolution of future services, About Thomson A board could begin such a conversation with a baseline assessment that includes the following: Boards can gain perspective by soliciting outside opinions on relevant topics from business and political leaders, embassies and other government agencies, and nongovermental organizations. We help companies anticipate and quantify critical external strategic business risks that might adversely impact their investments, personnel, interests, and assets anywhere in the world. Work with us to identify the organizations and individuals with influence and decision-making power critical to your business success, Integrity Due Diligence & Integrity Consulting Companies are walking a geopolitical tightrope. According to the World Economic Forum in its 2023 Global . Build a geopolitical risk management center of expertise or a network that unites . Stress in global financial markets is significant. One way to initiate a more strategic approach is by assessing the risks that matter the most to a business. In such discussions, its of utmost importance to make sure that all affected geographic regions are represented. Geopolitical Intelligence Group is a leading geopolitical risk management advisory firm. The Great Decoupling. Channeling the policy debates under way in the European Union, Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. The Ukraine war is likely to drive geopolitical fragmentation and the emergence of blocs, in our view, BlackRock said in its report. Coco Feng, Chinese president Xi Jinping seeks to rally countrys scientists for unprecedented contest,. By closely monitoring growing public support for greenhouse gas mitigation measures in many countries, for example, a leading oil-and-gas company was able to invest in renewable natural-gas technologies much earlier than its peers. Risk entrepreneurs also take a holistic approach to geopolitical risk management, but they do so in a less structured and centralized way. How global companies can manage geopolitical risk, Author Talks: The worlds longest study of adult development finds the key to happy living, The executives guide to new-business building, Generative AI is here: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business, The new geopolitics of global business,. Designed for pro-active corporate security teams with granular forecasts and location specific risk analysis for 211 geographies. Independent data and analysis for opportunity sizing, local partner selection, government stakeholder assessment and risk assessment. 2. 3 The challenges that geopolitical risks create will get worse. Comprehensive spectrum of risk-based screening and due diligence solutions. Another short-term action is to invest in strategy, PR, and government-relations teams that can serve as the companys points of contact with senior government officials and key stakeholders in multiple jurisdictions. . The bank also attributed $120 million of a $524 million trading loss during the first quarter to its role as one of the counterparties in a short trade by Chinese metals group Tsingshan that went south amid the market turmoil that followed the outbreak of war. For example, the Iran nuclear talks have significant regional and global consequences. In the aftermath of the US presidential election, CFOs appeared very optimisticwith that quarter's survey registering the sharpest uptick in sentiment in its seven-year history. Something went wrong. Note: Political risk consulting firms specializing in analyzing the business risk presented by the political environment in a region or country--including but not limited to regulatory risk in particular sectors, risks of appropriation or nationalization, and broader geopolitical risks. In a global business environment characterized both by hypercompetition and intensifying geopolitical headwinds, it is no longer enough for companies with global footprints to only react defensively. 4. Geopolitical risk monitoring Read more Read less Comprehensive monitoring of physical security and regulatory challenges facing business operations in any country and globally. Speaking to the Atlantic Council recently, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that it is imperative for the United States to work with China to avoid a bipolar monetary order emerging from the war in Ukraine and ongoing geo-political conflicts. Such a unit could, for example, analyze political events that threaten to disrupt the companys operations materially or prepare responses to government inquiries into sensitive topics. Resource shortages likely to disrupt critical supply chains in South Africa, US Weekly Economic Commentary: Stubborn inflation clouds the outlook, Weekly Pricing Pulse: Commodities down as energy crisis recedes, The global economy moves forward, averting recession, #China is set to cut its #crude throughputs in March from the recent highs in February as maintenance season starts, Maintaining #economic stability and security of #energy supply requires investing in "today's energy system" as wel, Africa energy review and outlook 2022-23: Turbulence on the road to recovery. Instead, they depend on personnel from government relations, strategy, and other business functions to identify and mitigate risks, with one function coordinating and consolidating input. Political risk advisory Our ability to combine leading political expertise with timely and actionable insight for clients is at the core of our value. And a narrative that works in one place could inhibit market opportunities in another or create sensitivities among regions. Many companies, both financial and non-financial, were caught off guard, despite Putin having telegraphed his intentions for months in advance. . Leveraging Our Expertise to Navigate Geopolitical Risk. Full-Time. The new geopolitics of global business, Economist, June 5, 2021, Managing geopolitical risk. Conduct time-efficient international policy monitoring and updates. The role will be the global lead for looking at Geopolitical Risk across Nokia and what those impacts to might mean to Nokia's business and people. by Compacts provide strategic guidance for engaging within a country. Many company boards already deliberate geopolitical risks to one degree or another. "fade": true, /en/insights/publications/compliance-risk/companies-respond-geopolitical-risk, /-/media/kroll/images/publications/featured-images/2019/geopolitical-risk.jpg?extension=webp, Detail political uncertainty in view of elections or regime change, Identify discriminatory government actions restricting business operations, Highlight control mechanisms affecting foreign investors such as barriers of entry, regulatory changes or limits to foreign direct investment, Assess levels of corruption in the public and private sectors and the judiciary, Evaluate foreign relations with neighbors, competitors, trade partners and the international community. Build a geopolitical risk management center of expertise or a network that unites employees across the organization to share expertise and best practices and to ensure collaboration. Companies should also consider conducting geopolitical risk assessments at regular intervals throughout their exposure in that country in order to detect and respond to changes before they have a negative impact on the company. International Trade, Citigroup, which had been trying to sell its Russian retail operations when the war started, said its potential losses could come to as much as $3 billion, and put aside $1 billion in loan-loss reserves. Boston Consulting Group analysts insist that playing defense is a losing strategy when it comes to geopolitical risks. Turn qualitative country risk information into quantitative risk analysis and scores, Country Risk Investment Model 1. {"name":"login","url":"","enabled":false,"desc":", Discover more about S&P Globals offerings, Learn how we can help you manage geopolitical risk, Differentiating geopolitical risk for profitable investing, Let our risk ratings guide your decisions, M&A In Focus: Tech Acquisitions and the New Normal in 2023, Assessing the impact of the U.S. Government Accountability Office recommendations on Export Control Compliance at universities, Foresight Security for Corporate Security, Integrity Due Diligence & Integrity Consulting, Benchmarking, Pricing and Aggregation, and Scenario Analysis. Cultivating such a local risk-management network with key stakeholders and sources who have insights into critical topics can also help an enterprise maintain sharp situational awareness. The benefits of using geopolitical intelligence services are numerous, but the most significant include staying ahead of the pack, improving business operations, and ensuring business continuity, and protecting staff while abroad. Whats more, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought geopolitical risk factors into sharp relief. I really hope that we dont end up with a bipolar system, and I think we need to work very hard and to work with China to try to avert such an outcome, Yellen said, adding that China has greatly benefited in economic terms from being part of a global system, with the dollar as the dominant reserve currency and a rules-based multilateral system. Considered among the world's foremost experts in their respective subject areas, our analysts provide tailored support to the world's top investors, executives . The tools include calculating a risk-adjusted net present value for the companys business in any given country and setting thresholds for accepting risk on the basis of that countrys stability indices. Case Study 1 Nearly half of bank CROs (48%) plan to broaden methods for identifying new or emerging political risks and a quarter plan to build new tools for qualitative tracking and reporting on political risk measures.. your toughest business challenges, Government professionals Our global multidisciplinary teams offer strategic legal and regulatory advice to help . Our intelligence analysts are building on 20 years experience in understanding political risks faced by our clients in insurance and financial services. Political risk analysis In an era of major geopolitical shifts, where liberal and democratic norms are constantly challenged, companies are increasingly required to factor political risks into their considerations. Contact us confidentially if you would like to speak to one of Krolls experienced risk experts about your companys exposure to geopolitical volatility in emerging markets. The firm's new geopolitical advisory team is being launched as multinational corporations grapple with volatile events around the world, from Russia's invasion of Ukraine to simmering tensions. For that reason, a company may need to issue guidance on a range of other topics, such as the appropriate way to discuss geopolitically sensitive topics in publications or speeches and how to depict contested borders on maps. Risk Consulting. A strong cross-functional interface is critical, especially for companies that take a holistic approach to risk assessment. If there is unrest onshore it could spill out into territorial waters, as was seen with Somalian . Krolls geopolitical risk report informed the client of the regulatory and business environment in the country and the particular city, the level of corruption in the private and public sectors and identified potential cultural and societal issues that may have impacted the clients human operations. Shipping will increasingly be drawn into geopolitical disputes," says Kinsey. Governments can confiscate assets, nationalize property, breach contracts, impose embargos or prohibit trade with specific countries. Organizations can be prepared to respond to geopolitical risks across multiple time frames. accounting technology, guidance, and expertise, Let us help you solve No matter their starting point, BCG can help. Kroll OnTrack Inc. or their affiliated businesses. Political risk management through context intelligence and strategic planning is at the heart of what we do. <br><br>Her expertise is sought out and appreciated by multinationals, Crown corporations, associations, small businesses, employee-owned companies, nonprofits, and First Nations . However, it added, "only a subset of chief risk officers (CROs) recognize this." Below are several examples in which Kroll was able to help clients anticipate the type, probability and impact of geopolitical volatility on its operations in key emerging markets. After consulting with top business leaders and legal, public-policy, and risk professionals at Fortune 500 companies in multiple industries, we suggest that company leaders can use a five-pronged approach to managing geopolitical risk. MAX's Geopolitical Intelligence Services knows your part of the world because we're part of it too. Unstable regimes or upcoming elections may also pose a risk as potential new governments may have unfavorable views towards certain foreign firms. How to factor geopolitical risk into technology strategy | EY - US Trending US pandemic response and relief funding - proactively mitigating fraud, waste and abuse 2 Feb 2023 The COO Imperative: How human emotions can unlock supply chain success 23 Jan 2023 Consulting 2023 Global economic outlook: Transforming uncertainty into opportunity Article (7 pages) Geopolitical risk is at the top of the CEO agenda, according to McKinsey's latest survey of global economic conditions. We are constantly searching for overlooked assets where we can navigate the risk, while others are unwilling or unable to, an executive of a private-equity firm with a decades-long record of success in emerging markets told us. It is by no means certain that they are ready for the next major crisis, experts say. All rights reserved. However, it added, only a subset of chief risk officers (CROs) recognize this.. BCG X disrupts the present and creates the future by building bold new tech products, services, and businesses. According to our research, the consistent winners apply a highly developed approach to geopolitical risk management that emphasizes opportunity rather than just mitigation, involves the entire organization, and leverages sophisticated and robust analytical processes. Regulatory Burdens In-depth analysis, they recognize, does not come solely from algorithms. Reputational risk could be amplified if any or all of these risks are not mitigated properly. This research seeks to understand the sources and consequences of geopolitical risks. Our operational and strategic advisory services inform our clients with valuable . . Instead, boards can dedicate regular standing time to analyzing how to respond to the geopolitical risks that their enterprises face as part of a broader board effort to build more resilient companies. Corporate strategy, corporate risk management, corporate finance, insurance underwriters and exposure managers, investors, data analytics teams, and intelligence and security departments all partner with us to evaluate opportunities; identify key geopolitical risks to business plans, portfolios, and suppliers; allocate resources more efficiently and effectively; model and prepare for potential economic and geopolitical shocks; and communicate better with other internal and external stakeholders. Depending on the circumstance, a companys leaders may have to weigh the effect that political or media scrutiny on the companys operations in one area has on its holdings in other locales. 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