A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and, ters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that foreign country. Your domain registration is pending. As of August 1, 1956, the United States relinquished their consular jurisdiction in Morocco as shown in the below document starting at the bottom of page However, Moors of the Moroccan Empire are also authorized by the same above Treaty to exercise consular jurisdiction at any Republican state jurisdiction for their protection and enforcement of Treaty rights and obligations whenever Moors have disputes with any citizen of the United States (or subject). 1. Go To Posts/Updates, Click View All & Enjoy A Free Bibliotheca Of Rare & Hidden Information! The 3step-ladder of Salvation (Belief, Faith and Fruition) personifies the Moorish return-climb from a Human State to their rightful status of The Great God as one. In some instances they had also a criminal jurisdiction, but in this respect were subject to review by the courts of the home government. From here the wise will find it only to be a breakfast fight. This is where the citizens of Moorish America, who are of one family bearing our one free National Name of Moorish American, received the authority to live according to The Divine Constitution of our free National Government. If a Citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or, on the contrary, if a Moor shall kill or wound a Citizen of the United States, the Law of the Country shall take place, and equal Justice shall be rendered, the Consul assisting at the Trial; and if any Delinquent shall make his escape, the Consul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever. 'Foreign Policy' is so that the UNITED STATES (Inc.) and its subsidiaries will be in full compliance with their Treaty obligations with other foreign nations, which includes the Moroccan Empire. Members of the Moorish sovereigns, called Moors, have come into conflict with federal and state authorities over their refusal to obey laws and government regulations. Consuls are not diplomatic agents; they perform various services for a state or its subjects in another state, without, however, representing the former in the full sense. With these intents, Americas greatness is divinely assured and the Negro problem will be finally and wholly solved. These principles are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice (L, T, P, F, & J). Husband, you must support your wife and children; wife you must obey your husband and take care of your children and look after the duties of your household. The gold, silver and commerce belong to the citizens and because all persons born or naturalized are real property under the laws of the United States, so-called African Americans generate an annual 750 Billion Dollars as consumers yet have no true wealth and own no possessions as a people. There. A Divine Warning by The Prophet For The Nations: The citizens of all free national governments, according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. But, the United States remains greatly indebted to the Moors, with compound interest, beginning with the magnanimous financial support from our Sultan in Morocco without which the United States would not have won Her Independence, spurning Americas first and oldest Treaty, through four hundred years of Slave labor, to the industrial, medical, arts and scientific contributions, which she would not exist without the generations of Moorish staple. Moorish sovereign citizens have loose ties to the MSTA, espousing the groups beliefs or acting as members until their sovereign citizenship is exposed since MSTA does not hold sovereign citizen beliefs or support members that do. The problem arises when reading the definition itself. Other examples of Moorish sovereign citizen groups include the Free Moorish Nation, the United Mawshakh Nation of Nuurs, the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors and the Al Moroccan Empire. 4 were here. The problem arises when reading the definition itself. And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and principles that deludes to slavery. This is why all NBC and Negro Masons alike have no sovereign rule of their women and children. One of them introduced himself to the Nuwaubians as a common law judge. He moved into Tama Re to work with them.. If any of the citizens of the United States, or any Persons under their Protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the Consul shall decide between the Parties; and whenever the Consul shall require any Aid, or Assistance from our Government, to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately granted to him. Moorish sovereigns believe their status as members of a sovereign nation imparts immunity from federal, state and local authorities. Below is the 'Foreign Policy' of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) for all colorable law enforcement agencies, etc., operating de facto in Morocco at North-West Amexem / North American regarding all nationals that are foreign to the UNITED STATES (Inc.). Terms such as Haitian or Negro can be used in addition to Black or African American.. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Black race in the United States. Abdullah told police they were traveling from Rhode Island, where their headquarters is located, to Maine for training. One initial logical question is precisely how many black racialsupposedly exist? The origins of the Moorish sovereign citizen movement are difficult to ascertain and often misunderstood. He hath instituted laws for the Government of the World; He hath wonderfully varied them in all beings; and each, by his nature conformeth to His will.). Learn how it works, and see h Aseer The Duke Of Tiers: Freemasonry Exposed!Mogul Minds Network: Aseer, the Duke of Tiers, is possibly the most well known Moorish scholar in the country and in this interview we got into everything from untold POC history in the Americas and Moorish world influence to exposing freemasonry. Department of Social Duties and Interfaith Ministries. Narrated by Leonard Nimoy. This irrelevancy of whether a Negro is a slave or free is reiterated in Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment: When a people with over 9.6 million State Certified Professionals, four million Muslims, over eight million members of Freemasonry and other Secret Societies, numerous Celebrities of every field, over 200 Mayors and Governors, forty members of Congressional Black Caucus a host of officials, appointed Judges, a U.S. Justice here and The Hague, a People with over 90% Christian Leaders and Followers. Cliam your nationality Get your national Tax exempt ID, Drivers License, Passport, Heath Card, and all the benefit that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC ONTARIO SERVICES. The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man Exhibit P - Declaration on the Principals of International Law Exhibit Q . What is the phone number of Moorish American National Affairs? El's - The Law makers, law givers, likened to executive. We are Heirs to this land and a Nation State, Webelieve in Peace, Love, Freedom, truth Justice and Equality for Humanity one Nation under Consular Jurisdiction, Home of the El's - Al's - Bey's - Dey's - and Ali's. Enacted on 22nd August 2009,the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish Americais largely based on the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedon and Justice set out by our Great Father, Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali El Hajj (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) in his M.S.T. Highest quality for the lowest cost. They also save money by practicing tax avoidance schemes or tax fraud. The product thereby is colorable citizenry leaving a residue of mental slavery, which has been the existing condition until now. All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love and their bodies clean with water. The only location in any discipline and field of human activity where the term black racial groups of Africa can be found is in that document. In her bookThe Nuwaubian Nation: Black Spirituality and State Control,Susan Palmer writes, In mid-June, 1999, several Montana Freemen came to town (e.g. Millon of jf.Mt Wrtt in !be ature of :Jfart 3L equest ebibence Information JUscoberp anb iBisdosu I Ie Jnttrnational jDotumtnt 70103090000276105324 ForTheReoonJ, To Be Read Into The Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal- Notice to Principal is Notice to jgent xhibit C . The Moorish Americans who are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa (Including the northwestern territories we now call the Americas) are in lawful pursuit of our actual freedom. Negroes, Blacks & Colored People et al) currently licensed under the assumable jurisdiction of the United States 14th & 15th Amendments and into the true citizenry of their own free national government. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of His Father God Allah. Several recent incidents highlight Moorish sovereigns propensity for violence and criminal activity: SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743), Local Policing and Immigration Enforcement, Request for Legal Assistance Economic Justice, The Washitaw Nation and Moorish Sovereign Citizens. The substance of Nationality and the benefits. There are no reliable figures available on the number of active Moorish sovereigns. take responsibility for, but they may suggest their dismissal to the Grand National Chairman in the event of serious misconduct. thereof is contingent on the especial Nation's. ability to stand up and be counted within its. (VIDEO) Ancient Mysteries: Secret Mounds Of Prehistoric America (1995)Explore some of the most intriguing archaeological sites on earth--the puzzling pre-historic mounds built by the ancient residents of North America. The assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs . In honor Always Moorish National Republic Federal Government For the following Corporate STATES: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs [141 Weston Street #1145 HARTFORD CONNECTICUT . All Nationals and Citizens of M.N.R.P. Being NBC, Chattel or otherwise Nationless and stirring comatosed outside of the constitutional fold of government are sins before Allah and crimes before the laws of nature and man. In later years called the Moors from the land of Tadmor (Palmara or Palmares).. The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Where are the coordinates of the Moorish American National Affairs? A small number of Moors have been involved in shootings,bank robberiesand murders. When you join our tribe and become a member, you will: 1.) We, the Vanguard Tribe of the Moorish hordes of America, do hereby requisition the following remedies to be legalized by the United States Supreme Court, the Executive Branch or/and an adept Special Congressional Committee, or other National or International authorized designated body to: Recognize the Free National Name and Number and Sovereign autonomy of the Moorish Americans as the Clean and Pure Nation with our Government, Religion, officials, flag, seals, et al in the glory of a Proper Person. They fail to acknowledge there is only one way and one way only for a people to obtain and sustain a free national status. An officer of a commercial character, appointed by the different states to watch over the mercantile [trade or commercial] interests of the appointing state and of its subjects in foreign countries. in assemble of the Great Grand Body, under the Protection, Guidance and Salvation of the Great God of our Ancient Forefathers, Master of the Day of Judgment, for the resolution in the intent of our actions, do, in our Free National Name, publicly Proclaim and Declare that We are a Ordained People, and of right ought to be, Free, Upright and Independent. Moorish sovereign group members have been known to wear paramilitary style uniforms with patches of the Moorish flag, and to operate vehicles modified to resemble police patrol cars (equipped with a police insignia on the door panels and light bar). Act 1. black racial groups of Africa do not exist anywhere in the known universe. the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish America. These and more are alll matters that the Moorish American Government will address in the International venues of Justice. exercise jurisdiction over their countrymen, their persons are inviolable, their residences may be used as asylums in the case of war or tumult, and in fact they possess more than the ordinary diplomatic immunities. T.J. Lawrence, A Hand-book of Public International Law 8687 (10th ed. Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition (page 286): Consul: (Int'l.) Some Moorish sovereign citizens have also been known to target their own for financial scams and other criminal activity. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The National Grand Sheik may never force them to take a decision which they areunwilling to. Allah is my protector, my guide and my salvation by night and by day, thru his Holy Prophet Drew Ali, Amen., ("I am going to leave the European here, just long enough to teach you how to run a government." The Moorish sovereign citizen movement is a collection of independent organizations and lone individuals who emerged in the early 1990s as an offshoot of the antigovernmentsovereign citizensmovement, adherents of which believe that individual citizens hold sovereignty over, and are independent of, the authority of federal and state governments. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens . See 22 U.S.C.A. Moors have participated in rallies, conferences and other events with groups, such as the Bloods street gang, theLatin Kingsstreet gang, theNew Black Panther Party, theNation of IslamandBlack Hebrew Israelites, according to law enforcement sources. The prerequisites of 'due process of law' regarding any dispute or criminal complaint between any Moor and foreign occidental European colonist / citizen of the United States, for the enforcement of treaty rights and treaty obligations are enforceable under consular jurisdiction and venue; and both foreign jurisdictions are universally known at sea by which flag they fly in accordance with the 'Law of Flags' (page 574): In maritime law, the law of that nation or country whose flag is flown by a particular vessel. Man's Higher Consciousness By Hilton Hotema (1962)In this book Hotema provides his insights into how we could all live longer by learning the body's simple requirements of breathing fresh air, avoiding animal flesh, banning any cooked food, and by gradually lessening the amount of food consumed (VIDEO) Tracing Our Roots: African Muslims In America Before Columbus By Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah (2013)Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah shows how Muslims/Moslems we're already in the Americas even before Columbus had arrived. The United States has always known so-called Colored People, that were made exclusively made in America, are not Citizens, especially in the judicial affirmation of the Dred Scott Decision: When a misnomered African American people, amidst the Catch and Release Systems of Racial Profiling, compile 20% of U.S. Travelers but form 80% of those stopped by State Action Law Enforcements; and mandatory minimums disproportionately warehouse their youths; and Death Penalties, including Federal Prisoners, are constituted by 70% staple of ex-slaves who total less than 15% of the General Population. Eleven people were arrested and charged with eight counts of conspiracy to commit a crime, improper storage of firearms in a vehicle, use of body armor in the commission of a crime, unlawful possession of ammunition, unlawful possession of a firearm, and possession of a high-capacity magazine. Citizens are they who have established or submitted themselves to the protection, promotions and general welfare of their individual and collective rights. Registered Moorish Americans with the Moorish American National Government is currently at approximately 60, 000,000 citizens and growing. Beginning first with the newest invention, Black race, or African American, or Negro. Since then Morocco has not recognized their Moorish Forefathers as those named among the Faithful. The abyss of slavery is evil and sinful when it has produced contented slaves through the ignorance of knowing they are slaves: We must realize who we are and what we are doing in this land and how we have been preserved for what special purpose., Goston later writes on page 203, My people were here when the white man came to thisAfmuuricancontinent. The Circle 7, Chapter 25, 1. 03-6403-3757 info@aspire-communications.com. The Divine Constitution and By-Laws for Moorish Americans. Often revealed as the Five Highest Principles known to man these pentagrams are also proudly displayed on the Five-pointed Open Green Star centered in The Moorish Flag. Qualify for our ROYAL PROGRAM that help our people grow wealth for you and your families. Whenever the aboriginal Moors are engaged in any form of commerce (trade, buying, selling, etc.) Will address in the International venues of Justice ( trade, buying, selling, etc )! Imparts immunity from federal, state and local authorities often misunderstood Island, where headquarters... And their bodies clean with water headquarters is located, to Maine training. Believe their status as members of a sovereign nation imparts immunity from federal state... Which they areunwilling to is no Black race in the event of serious misconduct a! For you and your families precisely how many Black racialsupposedly exist keep their hearts moorish american national affairs minds with. And Justice ( L, T, P, F, & J ) or... Member, you will: 1. 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