This is all backed up with very tough welfare laws. Is He Going to Get Crazy High? Our GSH has bitten the Labs tail one time prob 3 months ago and we think it was food agression. Case control study - read more HERE, Weighing In on the Risks & Benefits of Early neutering and spaying. The early neutering of dogs is not without it's side effects or critics, and I'm certainly one of them. You also may notice a decrease in some aggressive or anxious behaviors, especially if they are caused or exacerbated by the presence of a female in heat. When asking her to follow previously learned commands she often looks at me like she has no idea what I am asking her to do. Like all My other dogs did before Him. My 3 year old frenchie got neutered on Monday, December 9th. MORE READING - USEFUL LINKS We see testosterone's dramatic effects in lanky 13 year old males. If your vet steadfastly refuses to provide pain management for your pet, it may be time to seek out a new vet. Spayed females had nine times higher incidence of hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females, regardless of when spaying was performed, however, no difference in incidence of this type of cancer was found for neutered vs. intact males. And they keep coming. His incision looks great and The Vet checked Him, at two weeks and said every thing is alright. Dogs that are neutered no longer have the risk of suffering from testicular cancer, a common form of cancer in dogs, later in life. Chances are, shes currently giving him the eyes and begging to go to the park. It is swollen today and left a lil knot on her head. Others will continue to do so from time to time, especially if the dog was neutered relatively late in life. What your readers are witnessing 2, 3, 5 days to a month after surgery is trauma response behavior from having a surgery. Done all that. It can reduce sexualized behaviors. I also linked to multiple other articles covering some of the drawbacks (including one specifically discussing the pros and cons of spaying/neutering). Since bigger dogs have lower voices, neutering your dog might actually give it a (slightly) deeper bark . Your dog will be administered anesthesia and prepped for surgery. One day Irs this and the next its something else. It may also help reduce the chances of many health concerns. However, while hidden patches of black ice to power outages in subzero temperatures are dangerous, the weather isn't the only part of winter that can be frightful. But we appreciate you sharing your experiences. Although it doesnt happen often, there is a small risk that the neutering procedure could cause urinary incontinence for the dog. The goal is to have fun more than it is to find a mate or expand personal borders. So, if shes young, it may just be a coincidence. Further, theres nothing one-sided about the article; the topic here is whether or not your dog will change after being neutered. Some male dogs can be overly aggressive, especially when other male dogs are encountered. Although we love the tranquil beauty of waking up to a White Christmas, cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and holiday meals, the winter months aren't all fun and festivities. When should the operation be performed? Since then, he has been a lot more obedient. Let's take a closer look at a few reasons your dog may not be eating and what you should do about his loss of appetite. Panciera DL. NEUTERING YOUR DOG'S AT 6 MONTHS: THE FACTS On neutering, you will be hard pressed to find a vet today that would recommend anything but neutering your pet early in their life, normally around six months. She also had urinary accidents in the house for the rest of her life. The other effects were the obvious weight gain (about 2 kg virtually overnight) and incessant begging for food. Most of us have that down pat. Hey, Jane. From this point on, things are a bit different for boy pups and girl pups, so well discuss the procedures separately. Time4Dogs - Dont spay or neuter your pets, New evidence shows link between spaying/neutering and cancer, Three Reasons to reconsider Spaying and Neutering. Only time will tell, Sophie. She has never done this before the procedure, is this temporary or her personality has changed? I had My six month old male neutered approximately three weeks ago. November 7, 2022 According to what I have read about neutering male Goldens, there does seem to be a decreased likelihood of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia, perianal adenomas and perineal hernias. All three terms refer to removal of the testicles so your male can't breed or sire puppies. If you neuter BEFORE they are closed, they keep growing longer, resulting in a taller, thinner, narrower dog but more importantly, in a dog who has some bones the right length and some not, which puts unnatural strain on ligaments, tendons and muscles and the joint itself. One word of caution: Dont go into neutering expecting a 180 on his mannerisms. Perhaps accepting criticism and becoming a better listener will make you a better writer. Now, she snaps and growls, bars her teeth and is unpredictable. Some dogs may have learned to lift their leg to spray, so theyll keep doing that after they are neutered. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Typically, males experience greater behavioral changes than females following a neutering or spaying operation, but females can experience a few changes too. They divided dogs and cats into three groups. In the male there isn't much change. These should go down or even cease after the operation. The term spaying refers to the sterilization of a female dog, although your vet may call the operation an ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy (the former involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus, while the latter only entails the removal of the ovaries). If you are wondering, "Does spaying or neutering change dog behavior?". WHAT ARE THE GONADS? However, this usually only works well if theyre neutered very early in life. Congrats on your pups first birthday, Traci! But theres one more reason some people have their dogs neutered (and, to a lesser extent, spayed): Theyre hoping that it will curtail undesirable behaviors or alter their pets personality. Have you noticed any behavioral changes in your pooch after having him neutered? They still like to get outside to explore, but the purpose is different. This benefit is reduced when the dog is neutered later in life, so it is a good idea to consider this option around the age of 6 months. One of the best things about pets is they love us unconditionally: They jump for happiness when we get home, dutifully stand by our side no matter what, and beg for our attention even when we're in our PJs with unkempt hair. Many owners, especially if they have a male in the house, will want to have their bitch spayed, and there is no doubt that this obviously takes away the worry of a womb infection (Pyometra) - however, it is adviseable to at least wait until your bitch has had one season to give her chance to mature. If you have no plans to breed your dog, neutering can lower their chances of developing various cancers, prostate problems, and other health complications. Group one was neutered at 7 wks, group two at 7 months, and group three remained unneutered. 4. She eats fine. Millions of pets have been spayed or neutered thanks to this one simple line. General advice from the majority of veterinary circles is that responsible dog owners neuter at 6m months. Available online at, 4. Clearly the issue of population control goes far beyond neutering or not. Hey, Susan. Help control the pet population. They are usually crazy active. In the female she tends to not drop her coat the way an undesexed bitch will (4 or 5 mths after she's been in season) instead it's a more constant shedding and the guard coat gets much longer. Velcro dogs: The pets most likely to become mini stalkers (and what to do about it), Some pups can't get enough of their humans and follow them everywhere earning them the title velcro dogs, Ice melters are dangerous for your dog: Heres how to keep them safe, Is any ice melter truly pet-safe? I dont want to see my sweet dog change for the worse! INCREASED CRUCIATE RUPTURE Just be sure to speak with your vet before the procedure and ask him or her about their thoughts regarding pain management. Thank you for the balanced information. This is exactly why neutering is one way to help your dog stop humping, reacting aggressively, or acting territorial. I couldnt get him in the car to take hime to get euthanized tonite. A study by Stubbs and Bloomberg (1995) set out to answer the following theory: Estrogen tells the growth plates to stop. Ive had animals my entire life, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, pigs, rabbits, etc. Because neutering initiates a hormonal change for the dog, there can be some changes to the animal's physical characteristics over time. My previously quiet, obedient and confident 18 month old Chorkie has become skittish to noise, very vocal, and aggressive. It is not enough that we are told things are perfectly harmless. The younger the age at neutering, the earlier the age at diagnosis with mast cell cancer, cancers other than mast cell, hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, all cancers combined, a behavioural disorder, or fear of storms. 1. Those on the pro-painkiller side of the debate usually prescribe these medications to eliminate as much pain as possible and to help dogs rest comfortably while healing. Clearly, there are health benefits to be derived from waiting until after puberty to spay or neuter your dog. Ive never had a sleepy low active pug. A study by the Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine and published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association showed that both male and female dogs sterilized at an early age were more prone to hip dysplasia. In other countries it is much earlier. I got my now nine almost 10 month old Australian cattle dog mix fixed at 8 months and if anything hes gotten more hyper and a little more aggressive. New evidence shows link between spaying/neutering and cancer Hormones taper off and out of the system which can take 30 90 days. However, ironically, while these possible cancers of your pet will be avoided, numerous studies show that removing the sex organs early in the developmental period of an animal causes cancer in your pet, just not in their testes or ovaries. This typically involves an initial injection a short time before the operation starts, which will start calming your dog down and making him or her feel drowsy. Blue. I have a 1.5 year old female pit that was spayed 2 months ago. So here's what we know of neutering dogs early in their life. However, there are some clues you can look to and make an educated guess. The short answer is, "Don't hold your breath.". This may include vomiting, pain or swelling that doesnt subside, discharge from the wound, or any other trouble effects of spaying or neutering your pet. The results showed that spayed females were five times more likely to to suffer tumours of the heart than intact females My pup became very distrustful of me, would not let me touch her. Neutering does not seem to have any significant effect on the amount of time a dog spends marking its territory, although it may reduce the number of times a dog . For male dogs - Anti-testosterone injections formerly used, to mimic castration, were never able to demonstrate exactly how castration would improve their dogs behaviour as they used hormones known as progestagens to achieve their effects. However men necessarily have some of the female hormones, and women some of the male hormones. CANCER Best of luck! 2. start producing sex hormones for the first time) which is very approximately 6 months in males and around 9 months in females, though breed and body size play large rolls here. Early neutering increases the risk of urinary incontinence by 4-20%. Ben Team Please note you said Bob Barker is deceased. This is done before dogs come into puberty (i.e. (e.which == 3) : (e.button == 2)); It makes them all act female. Can you recommend a good age for a neuter? There are other variables that can influence . The operation was needed but unfortunately his caracter has changed. The sex hormones in both dogs and bitches, control when these growth plates close, ie when these bones stop lengthening. Glickman L, N Glickman, and R Thorpe. Kind regards Spaying, is the removal of not only the ovaries but the uterus and fallopian tubes of the female dog. 6. Neutering will change the dog's coat. All these considered, it's hard to argue the cancer benefits to neutering early or you end up playing the whole I see your very slight chance of testicular cancer and raise you a certain increase in bone and heart tumours. You might live a couple years longer, from what Ive heard. Winter in much of the U.S. typically means freezing rain, snow, and ice. Studies show this to be absolutely the case. Others may simply do so because the shelter they adopted the animal from legally requires them to. Annalisa xxxxx London. However, there are also significant risks associated with owning an intact, maturing pet. if (right_click) The truth is, there's no surefire way to tell if one animal will wind up being clingier than the next. Had I known that only removing her uterus was an option, I would not have used the vet I ended up with. The other majorly problematic behavioural changes are: constant appetite, constant barking (we bought a barking collar 2 months ago but he got used to it and it is not effective anymore), and increased separation anxiety (I cant go to the bathroom without him following me!!). It could change the texture of the dog's coat. Intact males, driven by testosterone, usually lift their leg when they pee. please let me know. ). document.onmousedown = catch_click; Assuming that everything checks out, youll be instructed to bring your dog in at a scheduled time. Thus with no estrogen to shut it down, these animals can continue to grow and wind up with abnormal growth patterns and bone structure. Help! 43 Comments. Some of the most common behavioral changes you may notice soon after bringing your dog home include: Most of these types of problems will resolve within a day or so, and many of them such as lethargy and confusion are likely to be the result of the anaesthetic wearing off rather than the actual spaying or neutering procedure. function catch_click(e) This doesnt affect the overall health of the dog, though it can change their sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. When it came to thunderstorm phobia, all neutered or spayed Vizslas were at greater risk than intact Vizslas, regardless of age at neutering. Not only is it important for all pet parents to bundle up beloved fur babies in weatherproof boots and sweaters, but they should also be aware of another potential danger awaiting their dogs: ice melters. . This may sound a bit harsh, but remember that vets love animals and want the best for them sometimes a bit of pain is an acceptable outcome if it serves a greater good. Best of luck, Rubi! I have another male dog, who sleeps at bottom of bed on same side as the pup. My Rottweiler pup Six will be celebrating his first birthday next week. It also reduces body fat (one reason why some spayed pets can put on weight). I got him neutered to help prevent health issues and not for behavioral problems since he had no problems with his behavior. } But I am totally afraid of what the GSH will do after she is healed. In London my intact dog never tried to mount another during our park walks and he rarely got into fights with other males, which were usually initiated by other normally more aggressive breeds such as huskies (they don't like cockers! I have called the vet to get back to me if this is a side effect or if she is going to be aggressive now. One of the most common changes that is seen happens to the coat. Just be sure to discuss everything with your vet to give yourself the best chance of a positive outcome. The vet will then inspect the abdominal cavity, and ensure that everything looks right and that there arent any bleeding wounds that require sutures. My female wheaton is no longer playful and seem depressed and sluggish. Used to race around after her toys now walks slowly to get it. That is a tricky decision. Cutting of a dogs testicles is not fixing. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana Crnec discusses what neutering entails, how it may impact a dog's body, then provides details on how neutering may impact a dog's size and growth and why more and . Sorry, an error occurred during subscription. Note that these are all long-term changes which will manifest over the course of weeks or months following the operation. I can confirm that my male cocker spaniel who was spayed at the age of 5 under insistence of our vet, to remove the risk of testicular cancer, that his coat changed from a beautiful and silky red coat to an unmanageable blond woolly coat. if (!e) var e = window.event; You can call it neutering or castrating, or de-sexing. } 3. Estrogen too functions in skeletal growth. Spotlight on Neutering. As the dog ages, the focus on diet and exercise must increase as the dog will want to eat the same amount while wanting to exercise less. Our Female Dog has gained weight and become moodier at times. Please try again later. She chews everything, rips out the trash, chases the cat, and she is way more guarding and aggressive than before. You also may notice a decrease in some aggressive or anxious behaviors, especially if they are caused or exacerbated by the presence of a female in heat. It seems to be an overproduction of the undercoat but until more is knows, this is annecdotal. Three Reasons to reconsider Spaying and Neutering Do the benefits of this surgery really outweigh the risks? Less testosterone is present, which means there is less of a desire to mark territory. About 4 out of every 5 dogs that are not neutered will suffer from an enlarged prostate by the age of 5, which can make it difficult for them to urinate. If you grew up watching Bob Barker host The Price is Right, then you knew the show would be closed in the same way, every day. Petfinder reports that most animal hospitals charge more than 300 dollars for the surgery. Neutered and spayed dogs had five times higher incidence of other types of cancer, regardless of age of neutering. Velcro dogs take this to the next level. The texture of their coat might change as well. For some dogs, neutering does change a smooth glossy coat into a fluffy, wavy one. I attributed it to pain but she would allow my husband to pick her up. It is true that neutering and spaying can trigger personality changes in your pet, but these changes can vary significantly from one dog to the next. Have you spoken to your vet about it? Although spaying and neutering procedures are pretty normal and considered standard for pet dogs, they are quite significant from your pets point of view. Here's how to find the cause. It reduces the risk of prostate and cancer problems. Expect positive results and they will follow. The texture of their coat might change as well. Where prior she had been an active, playful, lovable, fearless puppy, she now was anxious, fearful and nippy. if (document.captureEvents) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); The canine's testicles are removed through the incision and the stalks are cut. It stabilizes the mood of the dog. 3. Neutered and spayed dogs had five times higher incidence of other types of cancer, regardless of age of neutering. The earlier the spay the taller the dog. There are also some breed-specific problems that can occur. Since then Dr. Becker has released another video on the subject explaining her thoughts on the whole affair. Now he is using the bathroom in the house alot an before the procedure was just about trained. That means the desire to roam and expand territory is reduced. At puberty, estrogen promotes skeletal maturation and the gradual, progressive closure of the epiphyseal growth plate (plates of cartilage at the end of bones, which are responsible for laying down new bone). This can last for a day or two, or perhaps as long as a week or two in some cases. These are some testosterone-based behaviors that can also be signs your dog needs to be neutered: Reduced aggressive threshold (having a "shorter fuse") Marking territory with urine. Once back in the operating room, your dog will likely have an IV line inserted into the front leg, through which additional anesthesia and pain-relieving drugs are administered (and perhaps saline too). In another study spanning 14 years of research it was concluded that sterlisation increased the risk for bone cancer in large breed pure-breds twofold. EARLY NEUTERED ANIMALS ARE TALLER Dogs that are neutered may have their coat growth patterns altered. We have another dog also that she gets along with fine. The article referenced in the comments is both irresponsible and harmful. I do not trust her at all anymore. Let us know how shes doing in another month or two. THE PROVEN SIDE EFFECTS OF NEUTERING EARLY: While some minor shifts should be expected, you wont see any big changes in personality after the operation. Brown The Chinese Shar-Pei will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. As adults testosterone continues to function in maintaining muscle strength and mass, and it promotes healthy bone density. Upon further investigation using male and female Rottweilers spayed or neutered before one year of age, both sexes were found to be significantly more likely to develop bone cancer than intact dogs with early sterlisation bestowing a staggering 25% likelihood of bone cancer in your Rottweiler. On the other hand, vets who do not like to prescribe painkillers to dogs argue that it discourages your dog from moving around more than necessary and helps keep them calm while they heal. It does not cause them to gain weight. Have your pets spayed or neutered.. The comments though Neutering is the actual removal of the male dog's testicles and other pertinent items specifically for breeding. But what about other unwanted changes, like to your precious pups personality? It does not guarantee a change in behavior. . She will calm down a bunch they said. document.onmousedown = catch_click; Emma Judson - Canine Consultant. Some brands claim to make their ice melter pet-safe, but can they still harm dogs? Over there dog ownership is not so much a right as a privilege. Also, you may want to check out belly bands they can help eliminate marking behavior in some dogs. In addition, with the extra growth, the lower leg below the stifle likely becomes heavier (because it is longer), and may cause increased stresses on the cranial cruciate ligament. There are increased risks for hypothyroidism, cognitive impairments, and orthopedic disorders as well. She has also become resistant to following basic commands since she was spayed 2 months ago. When one organ is removed, others will suffer and spayed and neutered Golden Retrievers are proven to be more likely to develop hypothyroidism. Loses interest on playing after a few minutes. Sorry to hear about your doggos setback, but just stick with it! Yes this does sometimes happen. Hey there, Bj. Additionally, altered dogs who often display increased appetites and slower metabolisms are at risk of weight gain, obesity, and all of the other health risks associated with carrying too much weight. 6M months to race around after her toys now walks slowly to euthanized. Drawbacks ( including one specifically discussing the pros and cons of spaying/neutering ) including one specifically discussing the and! Sure to discuss everything with your vet to give yourself the best chance of a outcome. Neutered on Monday, December 9th your vet steadfastly refuses to provide pain management your! Wks, group two at 7 months, and she is way more guarding aggressive. 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