Some very funny Australian slang. Alcohol. Everyone is wearing their Tassie Tuxedos. Derived from the rumours men swapped with each other when gathered at water carts (many of which used to have the brand name on them of the Shepparton manufacturing company called J. Furphy & Sons); especially applies to a rumour or story which is untrue or which sounds unlikely to be true. You know, unbutton the mutton? spat the dummy = To have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper; e.g. Alex is deadset the hottest dude Ive ever seen.. The term derives from the employment of Chinese as non-union labour and strike-breakers (i.e. spunk = A handsome man, a sexy man. Once again, were a continent and people do have different accents, depending on where you hail from, a point I find myself arguing ALL THE TIME. he did him over. how about doogs every kid playdem in the fifties n sixties called marbles as doogs or lets play a game of doogs. he was carrying on like a pork chop. Dorothy Dixer = A question asked in parliament by a member of the same party as a planned question in order to enable the responder to give a prepared speech; from a letters section in a newspaper where readers would write to Dorothy Dix, of which some were supposed to have been written by the newspaper staff themselves. sticky beak = [2] Having an unwarranted look into someone elses business, e.g. bugger off = Leave me alone; go away. on the turps = Drinking alcohol excessively; similar to the phrases on the grog, on the piss, and on the sauce. Literally, "There are two heads on me." Aussie Cossie = Swimwear; Speedos (Speedos are an Aussie cossie, as they are regarded as good Australian-designed bathers, i.e. This Australian slang is a shortened version of the word definitely and is used to give emphasis or agreement. bangs like a dunny door = A female who is sexually promiscuous, e.g. A. G. Stephens dirty on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. See the following list: Facebook, everyones fave social media site. You bewdy!; may be called out when something good happens. When you have a teapot on the outback over the fire, it is called a billy. Can also be used in a general sense when speaking to someone, e.g. Similar to a midi 285ml in size and the standard size of a drink in the state of Victoria (make sure you ask for a pint instead, if you want a bigger drink). Also used as a play upon words, e.g. Registration. To be lazy. No wuckas, mate! If Jimmy kissed Rileys girlfriend it would be considered a dog move. So, if you are planning on visiting the country soon, make sure you are packed with the right Australian slang so you could fit right in with the locals. he drank ten beers, then he chucked up in the toilet. Except theyre not called shrimp here, theyre prawns. Expensive. Australian slang words can be not the nicest sometimes? Recommended poetry [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. billy cart = A cart used by children; often such a cart is used for racing down hills (refers to a small cart that could be pulled along by a billy goat). Candies, sweets. . Can also be used when inviting someone to have a fight, e.g. It can also be used to describe someone that's uncouth or a bit weird. Shut up, or Ill bonk you on the noggin (i.e. It will be live on television. Davo cant go into work today, because hes real crook. Slang for Getting Drunk There are quite a few funny phrases for the act of getting drunk. Crapulence pinkiwinkitinki An excellent word from the 1530s. That old food pongs!. Used in the term Aussie battler. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. Underwear or panties. first cab off the rank = To be the first to take advantage of an opportunity; similar to first in, best dressed; from getting the first taxi cab from a queue of taxis (a taxi rank). A person who is mischievous or unsophisticated, however has a good heart and is well liked. "I eat brekkie every morning before sunup." 2. Distinct from the modern term bonk, which refers to people having sexual intercourse. A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. Less common alternatives are sammo, sammie, and sango. Thats defo a devo outcome, Id crack the shits if that happened to me.. Another way of saying too right?. He looks a bit down in the mouth; hes about as happy as a bastard on Fathers Day. done like a dogs dinner = To come a cropper; also rendered as done like a dinner. No fricking way! crawler = Someone who sucks up to authority figures, e.g. Of all the English-speaking countries, Australian slang words are probably the most interesting. bush bashing = Driving around in the bush, especially where there are no roads or only tracks (especially used regarding four wheel drive vehicles). A game commonly played on ANZAC Day (25 April), because how better to commemorate our fallen shoulders than getting pissed and gambling at the local pub? Written By Holiday Makers In Australia. The Newcastle song [music video, sung by Bob Hudson] I also like Avo (avocado). iffy = Not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g. dud = Defraud, e.g. Get passed over for a promotion? Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. A bogan is a stereotypical Australian, with a potty mouth, bad dress sense and a fondness for alcoholic beverages. . sook = [1] To sulk, e.g. Meaning: (Adjective) The word stoked is Australian slang for happy or feeling pleased. Dont forget to pack the esky for camping this weekend. Excuse me, mate, can you tell me where the nearest pub is? Similar to the American word buddy. The Institute of Australian Culture Based upon the fanciful notion that a person is eating so much that the food is filling up not only their stomach, but also their legs. Aussie battlers = Australians who are not rich, battling against lifes odds. Yes, the animal. Meaning: (Expression) The term No wuckas is Aussie slang for no worries.. Your email address will not be published. On the other side of the coin, a man is known as a bloke. He sounds like a bit of a bolshie, Just listen to him, hes a bolshie. bullshit artist = Someone who says a lot of bullshit, i.e. Aussie = [1] An Australian; usually with patriotic or nationalist overtones, being a reference to a fair dinkum Australian. grog = Alcohol, an alcoholic drink, e.g. Also an Aussie tradition at any sporting event. Ned Kelly beard = A full beard (being a comparison with the full beard sported by the bushranger Ned Kelly in some famous photographs). dog = An informer, especially an informer for the police or prison guards, e.g. #SpoonTip: the drinking age in Australia is 18. As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " headache " are listed above. Banjo Paterson Meaning: (Phrase) The term bloody oath is one of the most used Australian slang phrases because it means very true. It is used by everyone when they agree with someone. For more, check out my other content on Australia. Similar to a few sandwiches short of a picnic and a few cents short of a dollar. When I moved to Australia, I often felt lost when people used Aussie slang. yonks = A long time, e.g. This was a Tram service that came out of Bondi Junction and went downhill along Bondi Road all the way to Bondi Beach. Bogan, bludger, ocker what on earth do they mean? someone in the family), e.g. Carn the Blues!. it was so obvious that even Blind Freddie could have seen it, even Blind Freddie could have done it. As an Australian local, I use many of these words and phrases in my day-to-day life. He dudded me on the deal. Can be applied to any noun person, place or item. Similar to knackered, shattered, stonkered. Meaning yes, true, 100%, most definitely. We definitely use way more slang than any of us would ever realise! Down Under = Australia, e.g. swimming costume) or Speedos (from the brand-name Speedos, manufacturer of bathers). Someone who is easily upset or who complains about little things. Example: You built a tree house? But perhaps I'm wrong, since I assume you and Adam have done your philological research! Meaning: (Expression) The expression no drama means no problem in Aussie slang. Bail Something that is extremely old or from an earlier period. a car driver sounding his horn a lot (the imputation being that the driver was acting like a child who had received a present for Christmas, who would play with it a lot, due to the excitement of having just received a new toy). she gave him curry when he got back late from the pub. hoo roo = Goodbye. refo = Abbreviation for refugee; can also be spelt as reffo, e.g. Bottle-O: bottle shop, liquor store 5. Meaning: (Noun) The word Ya is Aussie slang for You.. Example: I cant eat Maccas again. An Australian version of a redneck, associated with cheap tattoos, bad teeth and atrocious style of clothing. Can also refer to someone who is perceived to be a bit mad or crazy. a reference to foreign countries). Also known as an Aussie Bogan although I dont know why they are, after all endemic to Australia. A fun activity for friends, couples or the newly single. In South Africa that means going for a dip in the altogetherwhich means going for a swim naked or kaalgat. Baz is definitely Barry! Confusingly, this can refer to a can of beer or an old, usually metal boat. Shes a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting (CWA refers to the Country Womens Association). They look good on you. They wear sunnies with their cozzies, while cooking a barbie in the arvo. Hes a dead-set drongo. budgie smugglers = Small tight-fitting bathers (swimming costume) worn by men. Nat: Correct! An Australian slang word used more in text than spoken word. Looking for things to do in Tasmania with kids? not the full quid = Someone who is perceived to be lacking in intelligence, a person who is not very bright; refers to lacking enough coin to make up a full quid (dollar or pound); similar to Hes only fifty cents to the dollar and a few cents short of a dollar. It's not quite an Aussie slang dictionary, but it will help you know what's the John Dory down-under. Trying to. Can be used as an affirmative response to virtually anything. In fact, according to lexicographer Bruce Moore, there are more than 175 UK regional dialect terms in our beloved Australian slang. dead-set drongo = Someone who is regarded as a total idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. I think you might be right. schoolies = The school leavers end of year celebrations, as in Schoolies Week. This means there are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions- actually another of the 19 ( cheese and kisses "missus") is rhyming slang too, but not identified as such. its a boomerang = Used in reference to loaning an item (making it clear that it is not a present to keep, but a loan that is to be returned; like a boomerang, it is meant to come back), e.g. If your brains were dynamite they wouldnt part your hair = Derogatory phrase, inferring that someone is not very smart. [See the entry: cockies.]. ocker = An uncultured rough Australian man, usually of a lower socio-economic class. arseholes = People who are considered to be not nice, e.g. Scurvy has the dubious honor of being one of the oldest . Example: There are plenty of mozzies and I forgot to pack an insect repellent, so I think this trip is a bad mistake. See: IAC list on Trove. The phrase was made up by Australian comedian Barry Humphries, to use in his Barry McKenzie cartoon strip in Private Eye (UK), e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Chook is an Australian slang word for chicken. I havent yet proceeded very far down the list here, but I have a comment about arsey. = A light-hearted thanks to God for making it rain, inclusive of a request to make the rain continue (the intent is something like Good on ya, God, for making it rain; keep up the good work). Basically stands for a 'Bastards & Spinsters Ball' and they used to be a way for young singles to meet in country towns. We have compiled a list of the top Australian slangs and phrases used in Australia right here. A real Australian. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. Christmas. Scabs are also known as blacklegs. Meaning: (Noun) In Australia, the term swag is a roll up single bed. They had a real stoush at the back of the pub. shithouse = [1] Toilet (crapper, dunny, loo, water closet). cactus = To die; stop working, e.g. barney = To have a big disagreement, or a fight, e.g. couldnt organise a piss-up in a brewery = Referring to someone who is incompetent. Please note that some of the slang words or phrases herein may be regarded as offensive, whether thought of as swearing, sexist, or racist. Used in lieu of a persons name. Geez, its a real stinker out there, Its stinking hot, Its a stinker of a day. A thing, a thingy, a thingamajig. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Read on for an introduction to Australian phrases. However, when I look at his second meaning, this seems to cover your given usage: fossick = Look for something. See: IAC list on Trove. Thats the biggest load of bullshit Ive ever heard!, Since the accident, the boss wont let me drive the truck now; thats bullshit!. dillybag = A small bag, from the Aboriginal term for a bag or basket. Hes a real little bugger, isnt he?. They told him he wasnt welcome at the party, and he spat the dummy, She didnt get that promotion at work, I think shes going to spit the dummy. Theres much to do! Or are you a big, Read More Visiting Tasmazia & the tiny village of Lower CrackpotContinue, Wineglass Bay is one of the prettiest beaches in Australia, regularly making lists of the top ten (pretty high praise when you consider Oz has over 10,000 of them). Early music (videos) He put the bite on her for a loan. Short for derelict. Singular: Anglo. skite = Boast, e.g. The far north of the country the Northern Territory. vomiting). 10. Grant Hervey The Australian slang words, such as Hard Yakka, is an expression used by many to congratulate a person for his or her hard work. No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] Ive known him for yonks. The bulge in the lycra briefs' forward-facing extremity resembles . Its a beautiful place and well worth visiting. Example: Keep acting like a drongo and face the consequences. Lets stay at home this weekend. magpie = A hoarder; someone who is attracted to shiny things, who wants to take them home. 8. Just rack off, you idiot!. Good onya is a job well done and a saying in reaction to being told something. Possibly derived from arc welding, whereby sparks fly out (sparks flying refers to an argument or fight). Once one of the richest goldfields in the country, Ballarat has become a popular destination for travellers, especially as its only 90, Read More 19 best things to do in Ballarat in 2023Continue. In South Africa that means going for a swim naked or kaalgat associated with cheap tattoos, bad sense. Someone is not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g to people Having sexual.... Used by everyone when they agree with someone the coin, a sexy man to alcoholic! Words and phrases in my day-to-day life Australian slangs and phrases in day-to-day! 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