COVID-19 Vaccines are playing out Exactly like the Polio Vaccine and Swine Flu Vaccine. Jan . It was likely a CCP Military Asset that was downed by the U.S. They will also do everything they can do cover their own Asses in profiting and fraud during a Pandemic. All of this has been worked on for decades by Charles Lieber with DARPA money, as well as funding from the PLA. How to Legally Decline a Vaccine. A huge secret kept form the sheep..but then deliver it when theres heaps of cameras. Now that Trump is a free man maybe he can reveal. Direct communication have been obtained between Jorge Rodriguez [former Venezuelan Minister of Communications], Khalil Majid Mazoub [front-man], Gustavo Reye-Zumeta [programmer], and Antonio Mugica [Smartmatic CEO]. 19 Jan 2023 23:44:58 This is being said because they did Everything they can to Destroy the United States. Cheney, Obama, Michelle, Bush Jr, all together, just chillin. Your email address will not be published. Retired Talk Radio Host, Heh. Lets Cut to the Chase: Bill Gates wants to Legally Kill as many Human Beings as possible with his Money and Investments. The Vaccine isn't what it seems. Required fields are marked *. Nuclear Fusion Research and Stable Fusion has been sabotaged to prevent Humans to Ascend as a more Advanced Species. Bush Sr. (1989-1993), when former presidential couples Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as former vice-presidential couple Joe and Jill Biden and current vice-presidential couple Mike and Karen Pence received the same letter from the dead president. "All Warfare is based on deception." (kek). What you do not know is that Pfizer has a Terrible Track Record with its Products, Causing Harm and Trust. Will pass antibodies to baby. "Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.". This is a viral-pneumonia being hyped as The Black Plague before an Election. H.A.A.R.P. And what is yet to Come. HEALTHY PETS: Can You Feed Portobello Mushroom to Your Pets? Some citizens' complacency toward these le A new AP/NORC poll shows that support among Americans - of all political persuasion - for continued involvement in the Russia/Ukraine war continues to crater, suggesting increasing political risk for politicians who continue to toe the Biden Administ WoW! Google has Censored the Building that was hit by the RV bomb on Christmas Day in Google Maps. Im sorry. I'm not understanding the conspiracy. You are now the first Chicago Mayor to lose a second term election in 40 years! There must have been more than codes, because Jeb Bush looked like he wet his pants! Those who consent to be Genetically Rewritten by the "Vaccines" have already Accepted the Terms. Mark Zuckerberg is an example of a "Human Being" with an Extraterrestrial Consciousness that has taken over. When GDP slows or goes into the negative, it has a significant im As more evidence becomes public of the DNCCPinside job that was J6, with lots of traitorous RINO collusion, the more President Trump goes on offense. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Executive Order 13848 is in play and the 2020 Election falls under matters of National Security now. Just a few Months Later George Floyd Happens. The Twin Towers were taken down by Thermite and Explosives. BUSH. This Image Sums up the current State of Affairs of the Conspiracy Theorist versus Narrative Control. Simpsons family gets sent to receive Re-Neducation which is an Education Camp. Fifi Leigh It appears they were shocked that they were going to be exposed for something, whether it is pedophilia or whatever. Freighter that Blocked the Suez Canal drew a Penis with their footprint before getting Stuck. Bush saying "They know everything. So, nothing linking all people who got the envelope. The entire virus scare, the Great Reset, everything is a pretext for complete mind control. BUSH. I putan article and video togetheryesterday on Dr. Bryan Ardis'evidence that C19 is in fact a synthetic venom attack on humanity by murderous death cult psychopaths who themselves were called "a den of vipers" by a former president As hard as she tried, the Beetlejuice look did nothelp her. People who line up to get shot up an 'Experimental Vaccine' are no different than the people who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid. READ NEXT: The curious case of the star who barely plays for . This is not a political movement, it is a divine one! They werent happy about this letter. Is there no such thing as coincidences? 1876 was the most Contentious Election in History as 3 states sent dueling electors to the electoral college. LINK:, Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Under Arrest By Capitol Marshalls During Biden Inauguration - These are the same Capitol Marshals she was being escorted by during the Impeachment. They Forfeit their body to Gene Therapy, Risk of Future Health and All Liability. Interesting reactions and a fun mystery, but there has never been any evidence as to what they actually said or who they were from. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. Retired Newspaper Columnist, "They Know Everything. It was a message from George H.W. These are the Stories and Faces of Human Beings Killed by COVID-19 "Vaccines." I see you're deciding to link these envelopes with covid. 237 views, 1 likes, 5 loves, 12 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Harris Funeral Directors: Homegoing Service for Minister Beatrice Lee Wiggins. Since then we have seen their holographic images, CGI, clones and masked actors. A Union Pacific funeral train, its 11 cars and two locomotives painted in the colors of Air Force One, chugged through the Texas hinterland, its arrival capped by the Navy's first-ever 21 . Ukraine Has Now Listed Joe Biden WANTED on Class A Felony Charges. ModeRNA. Then Laura Bush shows Jeb who is leaning over her shoulder. Quantum, Expansion, Exporation, All That Is, The Art of BEing Hue-man, New Earth. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. What do you think. I knew Jeb very well in his younger days, and he was always smiling and friendly. All of them are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Human trafficking in NATO, world drug . Share this: Maybe it was a copy of Bush Sr's confession. Osama. I know it. Upcoming Events. Did you know that Kamala Harris husband works for DLA Piper? According to a recent filing by her attorney, an unidentified man was in Ghislaine Maxwell's prison cell, taking photographs of her, during her quarantine for possible Covid exposure. It is Gene Therapy and people who get it are unknowingly altering their Immune System. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. I guess nobody does know for sure, what we do know is 2 years later and nothing specific to that funeral or the people who received those envelopes has occured. It was the family recipe for sourdough bread. MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse? - Sir John Bell, Professor of Medicine at Oxford University. When they got a note, That fell out of their funeral programs at Old Bush's funeral. May your chains set lightly upon you" - Samuel Adams. Everyone who says "They Are Fine" now after receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine have No Clue that their Bodies will go into a 'Fatal Cytokine Storm' after becoming infected by the Flu or another Virus later on. That's Charles Lieber on the left. NATO human trafficking, world drug trafficking, 911 inside Job> JFK assassination [ CIA, FBI, ROCKEFELLERS, ROTHSCHILDS, U.S POLITICAL OFFICIALS ],,, OBAMA CIA PRODIGY< OBAMA FALSE KILLING OF BIN LADEN, OBAMA CONNECTION TO THE VIRUS WUHAN, > FROM CHILD SACRIFICE TO HUMAN ORGAN TRAFFICKING, TO FALSE FLAG COLOUR REVOLUTIONS CREATED IN MAJOR COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD,.> The files were full of videos, evidence >SEALED INDICTMENTS, > MILITARY INTEL had collected every phone data ,computer ,phone calls, text & emails from every individual who received the envelope., G H.W. I have watched the whole thing. Lets open the files expose the sins of the USA now! Not a single person looked shocked from the envelopes. Brainwashing. The Internet, Your ability to Communicate and Spread Information, is one of the most powerful weapons to Undermine and even Destroy their Narratives. . I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY" G.H.W BUSH. There have been nine posts, one of them asking for readers to share the link, which is . FYIBoth videos were unable to view with a Notice of Video removed. PolitiFact - No, the UN is not planning to implant the world with biometric IDs. Case and point, the day they got a strange card at Bush senior's funeral. An All-In-One drawn collage of conspiracies and recap of the 2020 U.S. Election. Melvin Capital is losing Billions and in full Panic Mode. To receive regular updates direct to your email inbox, please complete the details below OR dismiss this message by clicking the cross above. Tucker credits the Q-Army for takedown of Lori Lightfoot. He isleader of HPV Vax Injury: Chloe Was Able To Write Back! Your Identity will first be on a phone App. RECEIVING A LETTER FROM A DEAD MAN!-Again, it is possible.-It happened on December 5, 2018, at the funeral of the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. The news done with no filter! Well we'll never know if it's legit, but if it is, George Bush spilled the beans before his death. "The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP" Censored all across Reddit because is blacklisted. It's people opening envelopes. China. They are Holding and not letting go on GameStop Stock. They were all informed that George H. . Bush was a traitor - an informant for the military. Corruption. Canadian military's move to cancel exercises with China upset Trudeau: Reports. Patriotsare abuzz with the news that House Speaker Keven McCarthyis releasing over40,000 hours of J6 videoto the Fox Media magnet, Tucker Carlson. She is the Nurse who collapsed on live television when being interviewed about the (COVID) vaccine. Follow: @JFK_Q I'm sorry." George H. W. Bush. Promptly Gets Cut Off By CNBC. Bush Obviously I have no way of knowing if this is true. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. I never had one. Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot. 2020-12-29 12:32:32 George Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions. The secret service agent handed George Jr. the letter, he opened it, showed his wife, his wife showed Jeb., "A Gay Prostitution Ring Reached Into George H.W. Upcoming Economic Crash is an Operation playing out Right Now. He has Openly and Publicly declared Depopulation through vaccination on a couple of occasions now. "Former President of the United States. We all know. he gives it to laura bush who shows jeb and he is shocked. You've gone from envelope to pandemic with no inbetween. I will tell you why Joe Biden is not getting the "Intel." Project Veritas Announcement To Release Audio Recordings Between The State Department (Hilary Clinton) & Julian Assange during the Obama Administration 12/16/2020. How did things get so bad? Employees can band together and Hire a Lawyer to Represent the Entire Group. Do not forget that. Someone needs to put in a FOIA request for her death. Lin Wood: "If Pence is arrested, @SecPompeo will save the election. Please pardon my duplication. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Many politicians received a letter. Military intelligence had collected all phone and computer data, text messages and e-mails from everyone who had received that envelope. MAGA News Flash 2023 Wk#8 is filled with Victories across the globe: MAGA Movement embraces God, Ohio gets MAGA relief and Trump promises more. Many Governments will Cover. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. Many folks on r/wallstreetbets are holding the line while there is a Conspiracy to get people to Sell before Friday. Thank you for worshiping with us! Let's demand that we get Trump back - NOW. February 24th trending articles on Only a few are calling this what it is, unrestrictedwarfare against America by domestictraitors allied with foreign enemies. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Many of us will remember the national scandal kicked up bya boyish 20-somethingnamed James O'Keefeand a female colleague Hannah Gileswhen they faked out themarxists at ACORNpretending to be a pimp and his prostitut Saying 'I AM SORRY' does not change the outcome. HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). I'm sorry." by George H.W. Black Lives Matter IS designed to Intentionally Spark Racial Violent Crime. "It was a note signed by Old Bush, and it said, "They know everything I'm sorry." Look at their faces . Posted on 01/21/2021 8:59:44 PM PST by BlackFemaleArmyColonel. Each of them found on their chair in the church the program of the funeral ceremony, and inside was an envelope with President Bush's business card and a text signed by his own hand that said: -. I thought the clip of the funeral was very 'intimate' in that it was very close and seemed so private and personal. Please check if there are posts that match all the below criteria. I do not want to give law enforcement a black eye, yet it seems Capitol Police were part of the plan to That's a lot of viewers! A retruth from President Trump yesterday (Feb 15) then again today (Feb 16)shared a link to Just the News and an article covering the Brunson case 22-380 with the Supreme Court of the United States. It appears to be at George H.W. . This is how they are attacking this Sub. And youll see that millions of your fellow citizens have already taken them with little to no side effects. Duration: 08:19s 10 months ago 0 shares 12 views. I read or heard on a video of White hatters that the envelopes were personal to each person as far as Their crimes. is a geophysical weapon so powerful, it is a weapon of mass destruction using Weather modification & manipulation. Pelosi knows it. How long do we endure the fakes? Bush. Of course, there's no way to know but it must have been a traumatic surprise. As bits and pieces of the 44,000 hours of video of theJ6 event leak out, more and more DNCaccomplicesare found. "Prison was nothing like what you see on TV. The phase "build back better" is a global open declaration of 666 and to control the Human Being. I did. This is one of the only versions left with reaction from those who received one. GWB.. More deluded than you linking the envelopes to the pandemic, even though the envelopes were a year before the pandemic and half the people who received an envelope aren't in power and therefore have little to gain/lose more than the rest of us? The "New Deadly COVID Strain" in the UK, and just Newly Arrived in US, is a Cover for those who would will fall sick to COVID Vaccines. MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: A Manual on Removing the Yoke From Your Neck, James O'Keefe removed from Board and as CEO of Project Veritas, Another Doctor Makes C19 Apology: 'I have to apologize on behalf of my profession'. ~ March 1, 2023, General Blaine Holt: Elites Dont Understand WhatsHappening ~ March 1, 2023, Even More Young Americans Are Unfit to Serve, a New Study Finds. Mass destruction using Weather modification & manipulation drawn collage of conspiracies and of! By Thermite and Explosives it does n't appear in any feeds, and he is shocked not a person..., and the 2020 U.S. Election destruction using Weather modification & manipulation is the Nurse who on... Who consent to be Genetically Rewritten by the U.S files expose the sins of the 2020 falls... Expose the sins of the Conspiracy Theorist versus Narrative control the Polio Vaccine Swine... Takedown of Lori Lightfoot 's Clothing holographic images, CGI, clones and masked actors curious... 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