204. The room or place in which the investigation is held shall not be an open or . The following is read by the Magistrate and explained to the accused. HWnI}GXA !*#@x0@)H#sd>O{lT|9tdz>NO%y%w:2#22o}|.V7[Nd3Vipk[l1F8eY \=\iY=efO& q3|Zfqz{Ml' 'e^@1@~&Vs/ uG\$KP\ "A.B. Postponement of trial, recognisances. 172. (1) Any Judge, Magistrate or Justice of the Peace who is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable ground for believing that there is in any building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or place -. 0000001892 00000 n (6)where an information or indictment contains more than one count, the counts shall be numbered consecutively. (1) Every warrant of arrest shall be under the hand of the Judge, Magistrate or Justice of the Peace issuing it. 48 S. 16 states: "An Adoption order shall not have effect to make the adopted person a member of any clan, lineage or other group recognized under customary law and practice; but if the adopter is a person subject to customary law and practice then, as from the date of the adoption order, the adopted person shall be a person subject to . (1) The Attorney-General may order in writing that the power expressly vested in him by section 44 be vested for the time being any other Law Officer and the exercise of these powers by such other Law Officer shall then operate as if they had been exercised by the Attorney- General, so however that the power to enter a. in any proceedings preliminary to the committal of the accused for trial on indictment shall not be vested in any person other than the Attorney-General. Consequences supervening or not known at time of former trial. (2) Indictments signed by a Law Officer, otherwise than at the instance of any other person, shall have priority of hearing, and shall be heard in the order they are presented by the Attorney-General or his representative, and no jury or assessors shall be empanelled or selected for any such case until it has been so presented. It does not, though, regulate the use of force by the Sierra Leone Police Force beyond the provision in Section 16(2) cited above. 16. In proceedings to which no such forms are applicable the Master of the Supreme Court may, with the approval of the Chief Justice, from time to time frame the forms required and such forms shall be published in the Gazette. Customary law applies in the provinces a.by substituting in the second line thereof for the words "measuring, photographing and taking of fingerprint impressions or other" the words "and making of"; b.by deleting in lines 9 and 10 thereof the words "measurements, photographs, fingerprint impressions or other.". There shall be no challenge to the array, and no accused person shall be admitted to any peremptory challenge above the number of three. (2) Where such evidence in rebuttal is given, counsel for the defence shall be entitled to comment on the evidence so given. CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION 124, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT, 1965. Commencement. 135. The Laws of Sierra Leone on the Sierra Leone Web. 2 of 1984 13 of 1986 10 of 1989 4 of 1991 27 of 1991 3 of 1992 2 of 1996 13 of 1996 17 of 1996 (2)Such warrant of commitment shall name the day, time and place at which the accused is to appear before the Supreme Court in answer to the indictment preferred against him but the committal for trial shall not be invalidated by reason only of a failure to comply with this subsection. 199. (2) An adjournment ordered for any reason shall be made to a certain time and place appointed, and stated at the time of adjournment in the presence and hearing of the parties. A statement in writing to the effect that wages of any amount have been paid to a person during any period, purporting to be signed by or on behalf of his employer, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated in any proceedings taken before the Court for the enforcement of the payment by the person, to whom the wages are stated to have been paid, of a fine or penalty upon summary conviction. The Court may order any person convicted before it to pay all or any specified part of the expenses of his prosecution. It was ratified by Parliament on 15 December 2011 and signed into law on 1 February 2012. Sierra Leone. And I hereby direct you to arrest the occupier of the said.(place to be searched) if any such. B. has been twice previously convicted of an offence under section 22 of the Malicious, Damage Act, 1861, namely, at.on theday of..At theon the..day. (6) Any power of the Court under this section shall be, in addition to and not in derogation of any other power of the Court for the same or similar purposes. Sierra Leone provides an interesting case study on the assessment of crime1 and the criminal justice system. If the accused states that he has witnesses to call, but that they are not present in Court, and the Court is satisfied that the absence of the witnesses is not due to any fault of the accused, and that there is a likelihood that they could, if present, give material evidence on his behalf, the Court may adjourn the investigation and issue process, or take other steps, to compel the attendance of such witnesses. For the issuing of a summons the information need not be put in writing or be sworn to unless the Court so directs. 237. Download as pdf. Section 47 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "makes" in the third line thereof, of the following words "or cases to be made". (3)The provisions of this section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other provisions of this Act. (3) Payment or tender. The signature and attestation of the Magistrate holding the preliminary examination shall be sufficient prima facie proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. (2) The Supreme Court has in addition authority to cause to be brought before it any person who is within Sierra Leone if he is charged with an offence over which the Supreme Court has jurisdiction. e.A person charged and being a witness in pursuance of this Act may be asked any question in cross-examination, notwithstanding that it would tend to criminate him as to the offence charged. Authority for carrying out sentences not capital. The persons named in such notices, and such other persons as the Magistrate may require, shall be bound to attend such sitting. The Act was amended by the : The Sierra Leone Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2006. Copies of lists to be sent to Sheriff. 0000001488 00000 n Search without a warrant in cases where articles are being conveyed, etc. (1) At any time before, or during the course of the trial, the police may, at the request of the accused, deliver to him a copy of a statement taken by them from any person who is either listed in the depositions or in any summary of evidence referred to in section 188 or is actually called as a witness. 10 Local Courts Act 2011 No. CXXXVIII, No. Death sentence not to be passed on persons under eighteen years of age. Sealing orders, warrants, etc., not generally necessary. And whereas the condition of the said recognisance has not been performed: Now these are to order you to pay the sum of.the amount of such recognisance. law of real and personal property. b.it must be proved at the trial either by a certificate purporting to be signed by the Magistrate before whom the deposition purports to have been taken or by the clerk to such Magistrate, that the deposition was taken in the presence of the accused and that the accused or his advocate had full opportunity of cross-examining the witness; c.the deposition must purport to be signed by the Magistrate before whom it purports to have been taken: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not have effect in any case in which it is proved, i.that the deposition, or, where the proof required by paragraph (b) is given by means of a certificate, that the certificate was not in fact signed by the Magistrate by whom it purports to have been signed; or. (2) When a person is charged with any felony, other than murder or treason, the Court may, if it thinks fit, admit him to bail. Power to search for strangers in Diamond Protection Areas. (2) Where the accused is not defended by counsel but states that he intends to call witness (other than himself) as to the facts, the Court shall call upon him to open his case if he so desires. f 1965. f.A person charged and called as a witness in pursuance of this Act shall not be asked, and if asked shall not be required to answer, any question tending to show that he has committed or been convicted of or been charged with any offence other than that wherewith he is then charged, or is of bad character, unless, i.the proof that he has committed or been convicted of such other offence is admissible evidence to show that he is guilty of the offence wherewith he is then charged; or, ii. I,(name of accused) ofCourt on a charge, ofand required To give security to take my trial before the, said ..Court, do hereby bind myself to be and appear before the, saidCourt at ..when call upon to answer the charge. The rules contained in the First Schedule with respect to informations and indictments shall have effect as if enacted in this Act, but those rules may be added to, varied, revoked, or replaced by further rules made by the Chief Justice with the approval of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice is hereby empowered to make such further rules. 1. 65. Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with P.N. 0000016227 00000 n 167. Last amendment included here is the Sierra Leone Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1976, which entered into force on 26 August 1976. 0000010728 00000 n (4)A person may be admitted to bail at any time, and thereupon shall be discharged from custody or prison if he is not detained for any other cause. Having, heard the evidence do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge (or charges)? 2014 Sierra Leone Correctional Service Act o. N (4) In the absence of the Director-General, the Deputy . WHEREAS by a warrant of distress dated the..day of. 19, it was, ordered that distress be lived against the goods and chattels, of(name of offender) for the sum. When the jurors are ready to be sworn, the Registrar or other officer of the Court shall address the accused person as follows. (3)In this section the expression "superintendent" includes the Medical Superintendent of a mental hospital. (2)The Magistrate's Court enquiring into or trying any case may in its discretion at any subsequent state of the proceedings, direct the personal attendance of the defendant, and, if necessary, enforce such attendance in manner hereinafter provided. 113. 108. A certificate under the hand of the Registrar or other officer of the court, that such sentence has been passed and naming the person condemned, shall be sufficient . ii. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the word "Local" immediately after the word "Group" in line three thereof. (Here record statement of accused. A. Retrial of accused after discharge of jury. 19 - Aug. 2012 COURT OF APPEAL RULES PART I TITLE AND INTERPRETATION Title 1 These rules may be cited as The Court of Appeal Rules. Penalty for signing false certificate. Where defendant pleads guilty in writing. Persons charged with burglary, etc., may be convicted of kindred offence. (4)Whenever security is taken under this section, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall forward the recognisance to the Court. (3)The statement shall not thereby become evidence of any facts alleged therein but the Judge and jury may take it into account in judging the credibility of the witness on his evidence as a whole and the prosecution and defence shall be entitled to refer to it in examining or cross-examining any witness and in addressing the Court. Justice of the Peace to assist Magistrate. (1) Such statement so taken may afterwards be used in evidence on the trial of any person accused of an offence to which the same relates, if the person who made the statement be dead, or the court is satisfied that for any sufficient cause his attendance cannot be procured, and if reasonable notice of the intention to take such statement was served upon the person against whom it is to be read in evidence and he had or might have had, if he had chosen to be present, full opportunity of cross-examining the person making the same. and obscene libel the particulars of which ate deposited with this indictment. a)by the insertion immediately after the word "Court" in line one of subsection (5) of the words "in a civil case or matter"; b)by the substitution for the words "if the convicted person (or in a civil case, either of the parties)" in lines one and two of subsection (6) of the words "if in a civil case, either of the parties". Upon the appearance of the accused before the Court on summons, warrant or otherwise, the Court shall cause the substance of the charge against the accused to be stated to him and the accused shall not be required to make any reply thereto; if any such reply is made it shall not be recorded by the Court. (2) for the purposes of this section the expression "Court" means any Court in Sierra Leone and includes the Supreme Court, a Magistrate's Court and any Local Court. 21. Procedure where witnesses for defence not present. Spanish has been an official language in Puerto Rico since it was first colonized by Spain in the 15th century. in order that. Table 1. The Sheriff and the Keeper of the Prison, the Medical Officer in charge of the Prison, the Chaplain of the Prison or other minister of religion, and such other officers of the prison as the Sheriff requires shall be present at the. Arson, contrary to section 2 of the Malicious Damage Act, 1861. You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence upon your trial. WHEREAS.ofhas bound himself by recognisance. A. The forms set out in the Second Schedule may be used in all proceedings to which they are applicable with such variations as circumstances require, and shall valid and effectual for all purposes. 78. Immediately after the accuses shall so have had opportunity of making his answer to the charge, the Court shall ask him whether he desires to give evidence on his own behalf and whether he desires to call any witnesses, and the evidence of the accused together with the depositions of such witnesses as the accused shall call, and who shall appear on his behalf, shall then be taken in like manner as in the case of the witnesses for the prosecution. (1) A corporation that is convicted of an offence is liable, in lieu of any imprisonment that is prescribed as the punishment for that offence, or where no fine is Prescribed, a.to be fined in an amount that is in the discretion of the Court where the offence is triable on indictment; or. CERTIFICATE AND WARRANT UNDER SECTION 129, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT, 1965. Certain scientific reports to be evidence. In theCourt at. AND whereas the said..when so called upon did refuse to Enter into such recognisance: Now these are to command you to receive into your custody the said..and safely to deep him until after the. (3)If the defence does not employ counsel, the Court shall, at the close of the examination of each witness for the prosecution, ask the accused or the defendant whether he wishes to put any questions to that witness. Priests and ministers of the various religions practiced in Sierra Leone. 246. 215. Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your custody together with this warrant, and him safely to keep in the said prison for the period ofunless the sum of, ..(as set out at the foot hereof) be sooner paid, and on the receipt thereof forthwith to set. The Residual Special Court was established pursuant to an agreement signed between the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone on 11 August 2010. 32. Any person charged with a criminal offence not punishable by death may at the time of being committed or referred fir trial by the Supreme Court, or at any time thereafter up to two clear days at least before the trial of such person, elect to be tried by a Judge alone and if any person so elects he shall be tried by a Judge alone instead of being tried by a Judge and Jury and in every such trial by a Judge alone, the Judge shall record in writing his decisions and reasons therefore. (5)Until an appointment is made to the office of Director of Public Prosecutions the powers conferred upon the Director Public Prosecutions by this section shall be exercised by the Attorney-General. Statements as to wages to be evidence. Procedure in preliminary investigation. S. 155(1), 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone. (2) Where a fine imposed under sub-section (1) is not paid forthwith the prosecutor may, by filing the conviction, enter as a judgment the amount of the fine and costs (if any) in the Supreme Court, and that judgment shall be enforceable against the corporation in the same manner as if it were a judgment entered against the corporation in the Supreme Court in civil proceedings. Accused to be informed of complaint. 100. (2)Except where express provision is made to the contrary, every sentence shall be deemed to commence from, and to include the whole of the day of the date on which it was pronounced. are). 133. Such punishment may be inflicted summarily on an order to that effect by the Court, and any fine imposed shall be recoverable by distress and sale of the moveable and immoveable property of the person fined, by warrant of distress to be signed by the Registrar of the Court, which warrant shall be issued by the Sheriff without further order of the Court, if the amount of fine is not paid within six days of its having come to his knowledge by notice or otherwise that the fine has been imposed, if imposed in his absence. means of an advertisement inserted by them, the said A. THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT An Act to provide for the jurisdiction, powers and functions of magistrates' courts and for other related matters. 0000003918 00000 n 0000012030 00000 n I,.(name and designation), make oath and say as follows:-, At or aboutm. in the.noon of theday of19, I personally, served upon..(name of person summoned) by.(state method of service) a summons issued, by(issuing Court) in the matter of.(prosecutor) versus.(accused) wherein the. (3)Such constable as aforesaid shall enter in a book, kept for that purpose in every police station in the Western Area and lock-up in the Provinces, the name, residence and occupation of the person entering into recognisance, and of his surety or sureties, if any, with the condition of the recognisance, and the sums deposited or acknowledged. (1) At the close of the evidence for the prosecution and after the statement of the accused person before the committing Court has been put in evidence the Court shall in cases where the accused is not defended by counsel inform him of his right to address the Court, to give evidence on his own behalf of to make an unsworn statement and to call witnesses in his defence and in all cases shall require him or his counsel to state whether it is intended to call any witness as to fact other than the accused person himself. 66. anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence upon your trial. 61. a. 24. Expenses of distress Expenses of commitment Expenses of conveyance to prison. (1) Subject to the exemptions in subsection (2) every male person between the ages of thirty and sixty years who is resident in Sierra Leone and is literate in English shall be liable to serve. The cancellation of a warrant may be effected by the Court issuing it, or by a Court to which such issuing Court is subordinate. Defence of lunacy at preliminary investigation. (2) The following persons shall be charged and tried together, namely. 70. Procedure with regard to warrants to be enforced outside jurisdiction. DATED thisday of.19.. SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE, Supreme Court Civil Appeal 2 of 1972, Hon Mr Justice E Livesy Luke CJ, 3 July 19 73 . 52. (3) Where in pursuance of this section a criminal lunatic has been discharged conditionally, if any of the conditions of such discharge appear to the Minister to be broken or the conditional discharge is revoked, the Minister may by order direct him to be taken into custody and to be conveyed to some mental hospital, prison or other place of safe custody named in the order, and he may thereupon be taken in like manner as if he had escaped from such mental hospital, prison or other place of such custody, and shall be received and detained therein as if he had been removed thereto in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this Act. hospital/prison atas a criminal lunatic until further order. E. M., on theday of.atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, sold, uttered, and published. Discharge of persons detained under section 215. The proviso to section 16 of the principal Act is hereby amended, a)by the substitution for the word "fifty pounds" in line two thereof of the words "two hundred leones"; and. 33. 2. 41. 188. 187. (a) The wife or husband of a person charged with an offence under sections 48 to 55 of the Offences against the Person Act, 1861, may be called as a witness either for the prosecution or defence and without the consent of the person charged. No judgment shall be stayed or reversed on the ground of any objection, which if stated after the indictment was read to the prisoner, or during the progress of the trial, might have been amended by the Court, nor because of any informality in swearing the witnesses or any of them. Procedure where accused consents to summary trial. Particulars of Offence, A. In theCOURT AT To.(Keeper of Prison or constable). This Act applied to the then Colony of Sierra Leone, amongst others, certain sections of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1881. 140. *A.(if names are given record them). At the Supreme Court holder at..on the.day. WHEREAS information has been given to me upon oath of the commission or suspected or intended commission of, the offence of..(statement of offence) and it has been made to appear to me that there is reasonable cause to, suspect that..(specify the animal, matter or thing clearly) or some of them are concealed. newspaper, falsely representing that A. Download: Slone Links. (5) The description or designation in an information or indictment of the accused or of any other person to whom reference is made therein, shall be such as is reasonably sufficient to identify him without necessarily stating his correct name, or his abode, style, degree or occupation, and if owing to the name of the person not being known, or for any other reason, it is impracticable to give such a description or designation, shall be given as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances, or such person may be described as "a person unknown". (1) A person charged with murder or treason shall not be admitted to bail, except by a Judge. THE GLOBALIZATION OF WORLD POLITICS AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Courts Act,1965. (1) Where any person is convicted of having stolen or otherwise obtained any property dishonestly by means of any felony or misdemeanour, the Court convicting him may. b)by the insertion immediately after the word "of' in the third line of subsection (3) thereof of the words "not more than". (2)The whole of the statement of the accused shall be recorded in full, and shall be shown or read to the accused, and he shall be at liberty to explain or add to his statement. 13. (4)Where a representative does not appear, any such requirement, and any requirement that the consent of the accused shall be obtained for summary trial, shall not apply. A. (1) When, in a case tried with assessors, the case on both sides is closed, the Judge may sum up the evidence for the prosecution and defence, and shall then require each of the assessors to state his opinion orally, and shall record their opinion but the decision shall be vested exclusively in the Judge. 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