So, Im not sure I completely follow your logic, in all due respect. This article implies, perhaps states, that Adam and Eve were not the first or only people created by a special act of God. That is a convoluted question if you follow the grammar. For the non-believers, JESUS is the truth, if u do not believe that, u have work to do. There were a very few individuals in history that did. The genealogies in Genesis 4 and 5 were set in opposition to each other in fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 (godly and ungodly seeds). Thats another meaningful evidence for the animalistic origin of the first humans. Nicholas J. from the USA disputes our solution for Mrs Cain because of the Mosaic Law against brother-sister intermarriage, and proposes an alternative. And in Acts 17:26, Paul states that the God who made the world hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.. Genesis tells us where Cain went to a city he named Enoch. A different answer emerges when Leith turns from the traditional responses about the wife of Cain and delves into modern scholarship. I believe that interbreeding took place initially when Cain was sent out into the world, met the wild people he met, took a wife, and had children. It is steeped in occultic practices that the Israelites were warned against practicing, and is full of superstitious teachings. Further at Tobit 1:4,11, 14:1 we see the historical inaccuracies. Consistently, the calculations overestimated the size of the founding population. The verse says nothing about cosmology or science or human origins but the verse does say it is profitable for what the bible indeed is profitable for which is in understanding the nature of God and our relationship to Him, our moral duties to one another and our means of obtaining right relationship to God. There is no way to tell how much time is involved in Genesis 5 and 11. A year later,. But we would be ignorant to think that wars are fought only on the backs of religous thinkers. Once again the Focus is on the naming of the entire mankind, in the first two verses. Has anyone considered that when it is said that Adam sought for a help meet among the animals, he may have gone into animals. : And it came to pass that Cain took one of his brothers daughters to wife, and they loved Satan more than God., Thats why God have regulate this actions when he redeemed man. JUST ASK THE spirit if you may happen to have, He will reveal Gods secrets. Once, when she was denied a rental car in . Cain since enlisted help from his estranged brother Caleb in the battle . 100 September 7, 2018 at 8:56 AM There are about 13 generations missing between Obed and Jesse, even though Obed begat Jesse. Cain's wife and brother-sister intermarriage. The story is only concerned with these two and then with Seth later. Luluwa (also Aclima) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of Cain and wife of Abel. Pretend everything you have ever been told from anyone the media, your parents, your church, history books, the bible pretend EVERYTHING is all a lie and then research the truth on your own and come to a conclusion based on what YOU YOURSELF conclude. With Adam and Eve out of the garden, all activities were outside the garden. If we compare the description of the land of Eden with recent research of the middle east, during the last ice age, we find a match. Adam and Ever are the progenitors of all mankind (Gen 3:20; Acts 17:26). You bundled your belongings before being exiled. According to the book of Jubilees there was a sister born, Awan, after Abel. Insults will get you nothing but return in kind. Failed to stand up against the serpents temptation. 1. Fully-functioning beings, now blessed with intellect and wisdom by one, connected via marriage to emotion and love, means we certainly do have the first family. Thank you for considering my point of view. Report. Your claim that ish and ishshah are only used for humans is wrong. i actually have this as an assessment based assignment so please any more useful findings are very appreciated. Yet, no daughters of Noah were mentioned or saved. All ancient tribes have their own origin or creation myths. My hats off to all of you for this informative reading. That was the key relationship between them, not their kinship. This was a lush oasis. Which says that Cain married his own twin sister. He would have had to. Cain had other siblings and could have been married before the curse, it doesnt matter. Greek scientists like Aristotle gave us the wrong motions. So i think we all should just stop deffrents story and live as we are living just followe the commandment of all mighty God. Poor Mervyn, Afterall, Cain went to hell and appeared within the body of Anneliese Michel. Ellery Kathleen McWhorter. It is no wonder then that those who search for the truth of the bible are warned repeatedly in the scriptures not to fall prey to the empty deceptions of human thinking. This is an obvious question to anyone who looks at the Bible with non-fundamentalist open eyes. Greetings Ken. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Everyone seems to ignore Genesis 5:3-4 (more sons and daughters) and the fact that no time scale is given. More evidence are accounted in the Bible. All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. POOR GEORGE BELIEVES THAT GENESIS IS CREATION MYTHS. The fact that Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden is recorded because that story shows us what happens when we desire to have the things God has forbidden. Some points to consider on CAINS WIFE. Well Always a hot bed of controversy on this site! He sends his son Tobias to collect a debt. mmmh thats interesting.never thought closely the story of Cain.thanks for revelation. Its a pity you didnt read Genesis 1 v 26. Angels taking on human form and humans was a bad and evil combo. The idea of directly forming a human out of dust or mud would raise much laughter among old Hebrews. Simple, accounting for the Biblical record that Eve is the mother of all the living, Cain (prior to the ban of marrying a close relative which is due to our mutating DNA) married his sister. If we believe that Genesis depicts a true account of creation, then we must believe the very first man and woman created were Adam and Eve. The only mention of Cains wife is in Genesis 4:17, where Cain and his wife had a son. that intercourse between such close relatives was specifically forbidden.Leviticus 18:9, 17, 24. Clarify That doesn't mean that this book is true. This seems to be a reference to the Jehovas Witness Bible. If they dont have an answer they make one up. As far as dating Adam, there is no way to limit gaps in the genealogies. Many, if not all of us, will find this proposition as almost beyond belief. I think the author has overlooked the main context of the creation story and is simply trying to fit it into our understanding of a modern long geological age earth. I was just answering your challenge. In the Islamic tradition that comes from prophets sons , Shia , there is another view regarding Canes wife . So to sa y, awe, they just didnt mention thise people is rediculous. It is all myth. Hi, for starters, this verse is incorrect. Gen 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve because she would be the mother of all who live 3 2. the rh factor stuff definitely proves there is an outsider element to the human gene pool. So, Cain married either one of his sisters or one of his nieces, but the word "twin" is not written in Genesis 4:17--24. I know Jewish sources are not the Word of God, but you said that old Hebrews would laugh at the idea of humans being made out of dust or mud. Abraham married his HALF SISTER Sarah ( Genesis 20:12) and GOD agreed it. People in the ancient Near East typically stayed close to home, which affected their perception of the world. When one looks at Genesis 5:4,5 points out that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters, and Adam lived for 930 years. Cain married his own (younger) sister! There is so much spiritual disrespect in Christianity. Vote Up Here we must rely on general revelation., Midrash Rabbah, Bereshith, Ch. Christians started most of the sciences. At Leviticus 8:6-17 it clearly showed that close family relatives were not to marry one another. The bodies of believers will be made perfect in heaven forevermore, but even now, Jesus offers freedom. Hi Lilith, Duh! When we do this, we find four names from Cain to Mehujael (meaning smitten by God) and four names from Seth to Mahalalel (meaning praise of God). Since Tishbys book is an anthology, he was careful to omit one detail of which I have been unable to find an English translation of: the intriguing reference to cannabis in the context of a fleeting comprehension of the knowledge of God (Zohar; The Book of Enlightenment, by Daniel Matt. 3. On the way Tobias is directed by an angel to collect the Heart, Liver, and Gall of a fish. The missing link scientists are looking for I believe would be in reverse. As for me, Ill see the Gods message and truth behind the text whether it literally happened or not. Page | 11 I have seen various dates for M Eve and Y Adam with him coming after her. Thus, these are the same two humans in both chapters of Genesis. When you look at those mentioned in the Bible, before the global deluge of Noahs day, they lived for hundreds of years. And he slew him in the field: and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him. Here are guidelines to help facilitate a meaningful learning experience for everyone. The narrative continues in Genesis 4 with Cain settling in the land of Nod and having children with his wife. So, just like Genesis two, we have a single man created first, and then a single pair of individuals (one male and one female). This was possible in those days because 1) God allowed . My Chinese friend, a civil engineer there who was raised atheist & became an ardent follower of Jesus & Bible student after her wakening experience with Him followed by a vivid dream of Him summoning her to faith, had no problem with this question. Vote Up And It could be by that time because life was still quite pristine Adam & Even could have had several other children, daughters, perhaps, or even granddaughters that Cain might have married. There are many more verses dealing with the divine breath. The bible says that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters., Bovid Domestication? The character of Tubal-Cain, the movie's lead villain, is almost entirely invented. Asking about Cains wife is like asking about Cinderellas hairdresser. She was reunited with her twin sister where they were separated at birth. Cain could have physically married another human being that had not received the breath of God. Apparently not if you read Adam & Eve Only Once available on Amazon based on biblical evidence it now seems there is completely new way of looking at the Book Of Genesis: It is proposed in the series of pamphlets that make up this book (there are eight in all) that the special manner in which God created Eve from the side of Adam (as described in chapter two of the Book of Genesis) continued for a number of other blessed couples up to the time of Abraham, at which time it ended. You have drunk deeply of the Kool-aid laced with literalism, and unfortunately reason cannot penetrate your cult-colored worldview. Gen. 3:23 So the Lord God sent him from (min) the garden of Eden, to work the ground (adamah) that he had been taken (laqach) from (min). Jesus traced his lineage back to Ruth through the line of His adopted father, Joseph. And suddenly it all makes sense, right? Cain married his sister. The Persian Gulf were created by Noahs flood, an aftermath of the last glacial period. And, since the offspring was only the 2nd to 3rd generation of man then the DNA was much closer to perfect than it is today so incest was not a concern then. He was supposed to have stayed young forever and not grow old and die. Neolithic Revolution was a long process, extending over centuries. Understand? He could have been 100 years old which is the same approximate age the three sons of Noah were when they entered the ark. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. Than seth had kids with azura. Adam wished Cain to marry Abel's twin sister, and Abel to marry Cain's. Cain would not consent to this arrangement, and Adam proposed to refer the question to God by means of a sacrifice. Quick Facts British Celebrities Born In August Also Known As: Robert Anthony Plant Age: 74 Years, 74 Year Old Males Family: Spouse/Ex-: Maureen Wilson (m. 1968-1983) father: Robert C. Plant mother: Annie Cain Plant siblings: Allison Plant children: Carmen Jane Plant, Jesse Lee Plant, Karac Pendragon Plant, Logan Romero Plant Born Country: England Adam wished that each should marry the sister of the other; but Cain's sister was the handsomer of the two and had been born in paradise; while Abel and his sister had been begotten outside of the garden. Boy am I glad Im not smart, being 88 years young only makes me feel that I must try harder to learn, however at my age I have a hard time remembering where my shoes are half the time and the other half is spent how to start looking for them, you know the feeling in the question, What am I doing in this room? In the Flood Report, its pointed out, that Its about two individuals of each kind. Aclima The Mahometan tradition of the death of Abel is this: Cain was born with a twin sister who was named Aclima, and Abel with a twin sister named Jumella. fear lest the enemy overcome thee. Wake up. Their professions According to the Biblical text, Abel was a shepherd. In Cain's amniotic sac there was a twin sister, and in Abel's there were two twin sisters. We all are all direct decedents of Adam and Eve which would mean there is absolutely 0% genetic variation between us and them because every person came from the same mother and father, so if they had no ill effects from incest why would we with the same blood? However, as would be predicted if the Bible is inspired by the God Who created the genome, and therefore knew of the growing dangers of incest long before humans had discovered the genome, God asserted Himself at the right time and prohibited the dangerous practice that He had previously sanctioned. God isnt a jew, Adam wasnt a jew, Noah wasnt a jew, So Cains story was just rounded off in Gen. 4. The answer is in the Book of Jubilees the sixth most frequent manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. That sums it up, God said it, He is in authority not any human who denies the truth of scripture by inturpteting scripture through the lens of their own philosophy. God has to put a mark on his forehead, so that anyone who finds him, will not kill him. Nowhere does the Bible say that a day IS a thousand years. All descendants not of Adams line would not have been eligible for forgiveness, but they would have still been subject to the condemnation of creation. PS: The expulsion from Paradise refers to the Neolithic passage from hunters-gatherers to agriculturalists. 7 Then Enos grew up, married, and begat Cainan. Genesis 2 focuses in on day six and the creation of humans. After all, a day is as a thousand years in G-ds sight.) This sounds like the genetic code inherent in each creature from birth, enabling its survival through instinct. They clearly saw this in tombs. Recent archaeological and genetic evidence reveals that interbreeding between genetic humans and neanderthals probably began to occur as recently as 50,000BC. if u feel u want to know more go learn bible histories. By following its instructions man will acquire life in the future world. (p. 709). Adamah is the ground with the fitting consistency to Farm. Abel was commanded also, to marry Cains twin sister. For example breath of life is literally breath life. OF is implied. Urmia & the alleged plain of Edin, right before a land seeming to sound like the Angel guarding the opening from Edin on the East could have been The Garden. Could have already been here and that is where Cains wife came from. George, By the way, the fundamentals of the Big Bang are taught in the Bible: constant laws of physics, a beginning of space and time and an expanding universe. If you would like to leasrn more about this fascinating new book check it out on Amazon Adam and Eve Only Once? What Hebrew lexicon did you find your word meanings in? Cain was the son of God. The Sumerian King List calls it Unug and places it next to Uruk (Erech). All humans descended from Adam and Eve. Adam, Cain, Abraham, Moses- all nicknames. Vote Up Unless all Adams committed sin together? Check out Who Was Adam? by Dr. Rana. In the book of Jubilees, chapter4, verse 1 & 9, (it tells us that Cain married his sister, wn bint Adam); verse 1 says And in the third week in the second jubilee [64-70 A.M.] she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth [71-77 A.M.] she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth [78-84 A.M.] she gave birth to her daughter wn. Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife [knew his wife, that is, intimately so, KJ, RS; lay with his wife, NE] and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. (Notice that Cain did not first meet his wife in the land to which he fled, as if she were from another family. Lugalbanda may have also discovered the foretelling of future events through dreams, as the poem describes him making a bed out of the pure herb of the mountains, where he lay down not to sleep, he lay down to dream not turning back at the door of the dream, not turning back at the door-pivot. Science is able to help support these things. G-d rested on the 7th Daythe first Sabbath. As long as Adam and Eve were alive, does anyone really believe that Cain, Abel and Seth were their only children? 1 Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, "I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord. 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created THEM. Hello Robert, However, it appears that Ms. Leiths article dovetails nicely with current evolutionary ideology. Again, why bother becoming a Pastor. In other words, we are told certain details about three sons born to Adam and Eve. It literally says they had other sons and daughters, it literally says Cain married and had children. 1:1; Jn. Maybe. Thats the actual meaning of ruling over the animals. The "Tree" in the Garden represents the Races. Genesis 4:1-2 describes the birth of the two saying (KJV): "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. The only possible answer is that Cain's wife was his sister or niece or great-niece, etc. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had three sons: Cain, Abel, Seth and additional sons and daughters. When God created the human race (Gen. 1.27), the Garden didnt even exist. was? Genesis 1 says Yahweh created mankind, male and female. To the liar it talks in lies, to the truthful it speaks truth. God Almighty always has a plan, however. Stop majoring on the minor. Making themselves look interesting, maybe? and he said unto him: This illustration shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, where God gave them the command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). BOTH MET AND STARTED HAVING CHILDREN.The Question is WHO ELSE DID JEHOVA OUTSIDE THIS FSMILY????? Therefore the earth, like other heavenly bodies, is suspended in space as if hanging on nothing. If you look at the naming of men, with different names, you may find a different way of she among men and women so that you can find. The answer is its impossible. This is an absurd question to whom did a mythical character in a mythical story get married? Lilith, Men have less ribs than females. Genesis 5:3 and 5:4 state And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters. Notice that this is AFTER the departure of Cain. The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. I just hate how the article tries to weave lies in to theres no actual evidence the bible supports people outside of creation just because they want to make it look like it does. 2, attempts to streamline this reservoir that combines philosophy with scripture. Perhaps this is where these genes came into ours. Weight. That does not fit the context or the wording. . Speaking to all of us from the cross through the repentant thief Jesus promised, Today, you will be with me in Paradise. (Genesis 2:21-22) The Lord made only two people, so the only people available for Adam and Eves sons to marry were their own sisters. Indeed, it is in some peoples interests to emphasize the differences of other religions or sects rather than the similarities between them. I've been re-reading the pragmatic genesis series. If you plan on registering here, first see our statement of principles in in the. The gaps in the genealogies are already limited by elongating the life ages. The fall is important in this argument because if death and suffering existed before Adams sin, then why did Christ have to come and die? Big letters dont lend credence to obsolete tenets. When Cain hears of his punishment, after the murder of Abel, he protests the severity, because God has moved him from the adama and anybody meeting him in the aretz will kill him (4:14). Therefore, Cain had no problem in finding a wife among the daughters of the aretz. The human race also evolved with this soul, or nephesh, like the animals. To me it seems Cains wife was actually Eve. How can u say there is no human beings apart from Adams family? Watch or go to So, domestication is right there, in Genesis one, with the first man (Adam). There could have been several children before or even after Cain and after Able even. The early 19th century commentator, Adam Clarke reasoned that both Cain and Abel raised families well before the birth of Seth. First of all, there was no Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, or Cain and Abel, so the question is mute. The story shows us that no matter how far we have fallen, how great our sin, God is still Jehovah Jireah.. 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