Please see the below report of TSH results and evaluation comments from endocrinologist for my son. I am more confused now. An Hinglish word (Hindi/English). Thanks a lot! As always, feel free to email your questions! Be honest, move quickly and comply with all tasks and you will get through the process as quickly as possible. Military Selection and Psychological Testing Today - Military psychology can be described as the study of behavior of people working within the Armed Forces' context. The only thing I could think of was to consult with my childhood doctor and get blood work done and get a letter from his office stating I no longer have leukemia and the incision would not cause any problems physically or health wise. My experience at MEPS. Which theyre not and which I tried to explain. You want every piece of documentation that you might need, ready to go and you want to be professional. Ever since then at any physical, dental or doctor's visit where they use the machines, I'm over 140/90 . to the empployees was very informative. I want to see, Blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! We took a puliminary function test , came back normal, meps sent him to a pulmonary consult, they said he is normal ranges. investigation of psychological conditions A "yes" response to the "Mental and Emotional Health" question on the S-86 indicates that additional information beyond the required dates of treatment and identification of the health care provider is needed to make a final security clearance determination. This is not their first go-around with an applicant with a mental health history. All applicants will be questioned on their medical history. Your MEPS physical must include a psychiatric consultation. Perhaps, a person needs intensive treatment for cancer or elective surgery to . Sometimes because of to much paperwork the military misses on great people. Waivers are an exception to policy to allow non-qualified applicants to join, based on the needs of the service. So I may need two waivers to join. Best for . I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. After performing medical testing you will work with a counselor to select a job in the field you would like to join. This would result in your case needing further review and you leaving with an O- Open Status. How long does it take? What they will ask is whatever the doc needs to in that moment. Consultation evaluations are provided back to the MEPS and the MEPS medical provider ultimately determines whether an applicant is medically qualified or disqualified based on the DoDI 6130.03 medical accession standards. During the time, the trial brought great stress upon me. The recruiter is merely a portal if you will. So regardless of what they ask you, be honest. For more information, please see our I completely understand and sincerely respect that the doctor is just doing their job to ensure the best quality and health of the recruits, but I cant help but feel frustrated on my end because I know thats not what happened. The Admiral makes a decision with input from a qualified medical authority. You will be provided with stations to place personal items while you are performing testing, these are not always secure locations. Navydoc, I wanted to give you an update. It was explained to me that due to the nature of the scars, the fact that they are horizontal, parallel, and there are four of them on the non dominant side of my body, and there is no explanation or story for them, this typically is an indicator of self harm. Which he didnt have and couldnt give me an exact day or time of when I could do the practice test. That will give you m idea of what is going on. You have every right to try. Is this a normal occurrence? Opto recs and primary care recs, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, 27 replies Going to MEPS a 3rd time for psych consult, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Does this mean addressing to a crowd? In addition, they told me that I was scheduled to take the DLAB. I was prescribed a medication and took it for 3 months about 4 years ago after being in an accident and the MEPS doctors requested I get a consult. The disqualification could come from your initial medical document reading (you do not make a trip to MEPS), or during your, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC). I was PDQ from MEPS and denied a waiver from the Army and Navy for scars suspicious for self mutilation but they aren't.I went to a MEPS psych consult and was cleared to join by the psychiatrist but MEPS doctor said he wouldn't let me process and that I needed a waiver. Spanish Help I had the interview, which went well also. If you have been psychologically or physically dependent upon drugs or alcohol, recruiting personnel may request a Commander, Navy Recruiting Command eligibility determination when the pre-service dependency has been resolved in such a way that there is little likelihood that such behavior will recur. First of all, the approval of a medical waiver is the responsibility of the Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC). If you have hypothyroidism that is controlled by medication, and you have two normal thyroid stimulating hormone tests within the preceding 6 months, you do not require a waiver for the condition because it is NOT disqualifying. This process is done by visiting various stations in which you will perform medical and physical testing as well as completing questionnaires. Each individual branch has standards to which individuals must meet. Female recruits: the physical exam takes place in a private room with a female attendant, and a drape or gown is provided. Blood pressure tests will be taken using a standard cuff with the applicant in the seated position, with both feet flat on the ground. Great question. Don't waste your money. If the waiver is granted, you'll be cleared to return to MEPS. Your weight will be measured in underwear, rounded to the nearest pound. If youre motivated, try it! When you take your physical at MEPS sometimes something might not be right and they will send you out on a consult to see a specialist. Just as an update, I spoke with the recruiter and he said he sent in my paper work and that also next week, he would schedule me for the DLAB. Privacy Policy. How can I get my recruiter and the recruiter office to be moreproactive about this? My recruiter wants that in for but hospital disposed of that info. Role of the Psychological Evaluation in the Clearance Process. You can find a complete list of locations here, along with details about each location. I was told I could schedual a consult through meps, or I could get the consult done myself. This does not mean that you will or will not get a waiver. After you have signed your enlistment contract you will participate in the Oath of Enlistment Ceremony. These tests include reading color numbers on plates and results in a simple pass or fail. Thank you sir, for your time, patience, and help. I was then sent back to the Marine office at Meps, sat down, and once more questioned again as to if these scars were a result of self harm, which I once more said no too because they are not. If the individual has not taken the ASVAB prior to attending MEPS they will complete the test before completing the medical screening portion. Due to what appears to me extreme fading of the scars and the fact that my shoulders are covered in acne my view was obstructed from seeing them before that moment, not only that but I dont stare at my shoulders, that would be odd. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. 4 Answers aaja Come. MEPS facilities are considered military stations that are ran by members from all military branches. The MEPS will provide a drape or gown for you during the physical examination. He had an intraocular lens implant as well as follow-on cataract surgery to remove the small cataract that formed after the trauma of his freak injury a Nerf sword to the eye at age 9. They are conducted in almost all continental states. I guess my question is, what do I do at this point? Allergy recorded as cashew, rash, source mother. Told by recruiter that N3 said it would be non-waiverable. Thank you! The MEPS will provide a drape or gown for you during the physical examination. Thank you for your time. Addendum: The patient contacted me on March 20. Once you arrive at MEPS you will receive identification tags and complete identification processing. Related Article How To Join The Us Army. Yeah, I know my integrity is situational too. Your visit with the physician will be in a private room. All you can do is talk to your recruiter, be honest about your medical history, and go through the process. How a psych eval works, and lastly being in the Delayed Entry Program. Military selection is a branch of military psychology. Bipolar disorder. Vision standards are not a problem from what I have read. What do they do at consult and what happens after this. Wrestling and football through high school, never an issue. Im looking to join the Army, I am certain Ill need a psych consult if I even make it that far due to an inpatient stay when I was younger(10+ years ago). 62 Posts. You dont get to be the doc doing the psych evals at the MEPS because youre easy to fool. Renee, You are allowed to provide this time to your family so they can be present when you swear in. Its been about a month since my most recent surgery, and the thumb does not seem to bend that well. Jason. Ive since played sports & had no issues will can I be disqualified for this? Response 2: You'll need to bring my medical records from the doctor who prescribed the antidepressants. Medical history, answers on forms and a discussion will all be used to ensure applicants meet those standards. The United States Army will analyze infections and other conditions of the head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and neck. They both blame each other for various things and Im not sure how to go forward with this. To me a waste of resources are the recruiters that dont want to try. How to talk to your recruiter. You will be asked on items such as previous medical history, procedures and drug use. I understand why I was disqualified, a person shows up with markings that are often indicative of self harm with no story looks super suspicious, and I 100% agree with that. Press J to jump to the feed. Apparently its rare for someone to even be brought back after self harming and they usually just get PDQd right there. No new nodules identified. The radiology report states that no further sonographic follow-up is recommended. Yes, there are special tests and considerations for females. Most flexible scheduling: Teladoc. Jul 10, 2013. You can obtain a waiver to attempt to enter at your current height. I have not needed medication nor treatment in the past 36+ months. You have successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years, b. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage. Im currently in the process of trying to join I gave my recruiter a record stating that i was stable from a cardiac stand point and then gave him records of what my surgery entailed, My cardiologist cleared me for all types of sports and told me that this defect doesnt prevent me from doing anything, my question basically is could this defect possibly disqualify me from being able to join? He has remained on thyroid pills, he is currently on Levoxyl 50 ug daily. Back in 2013, I went to MEPS and I was disqualified from enlisting into the Air Force for cardiomegaly. There are various ways to fail MEPS and differing repercussions. Son recently PDQd for allergies and Athsma. Any reason to believe MEPS will DQ him or should we be all set since the TSH levels are normal and no change in meds? The MEPS process length depends on how many applicants are scheduled on the day you attend. Rather than self harming I was holding other people down and carving kill in their backs. When I asked my recruiter, what does it say on my MEPS papers, if I was considered disqualified temp or permanent, he said I wasnt disqualified at all. 1,2 It is important to recognize that an unclear consult question may be a sign of the primary team's knowledge gap in psychiatry. Here is what to expect in the MEPS process: 1. Unknown until she has the surgery and recovers. I have no issue with paying for a private appointment but I just want to make sure Im going to the right person and getting the right paperwork/eval from them. Clinically the patient is doing well. Urine tests was good as well. I have no pain whatsoever and I have no physical limitations. Based solely on what you have written, he should be fine. 1. Theres a reason it takes 12 years to become a psychiatrist. This day should not be taken lightly, but following this guide you can ensure you are properly prepared. Psychological evaluations are a fairly common part of the clearance investigation process. Wait until you start working with a recruiter. Mi hermana se sorprende N-F C-F Cl-F F-F 2 Answers C-F is the most polar. If you do not pass the tests performed in the blood pressure, pulse and temperature section, you will not be immediately disqualified, but asked to return at a later date after potential additional medical visits. Hello NavyDoc! Ive heard getting an eval from a doctor before going can better your odds. Pre-screening at MEPS. Not sure what else they could want to prove he doesnt have ashma and was misdiagnosed as a kid. Stuck waiting for MEPS to process my info from Military to Military as well as MEPS to MEPS. I lift a lot, but I didnt plan on going to MEPS for another four months; so I haven't been getting in running shape. What they ask depends on what you say. He has no restrictions on activity and his opthamologist/eye surgeon doesnt see any problems. Nearly a decade ago, in an effort to reduce applicant waiting time (which often times extended three months or more), CNRC added to the staff a medical department. I went to meps and everything. During the MEPS visit, my blood pressure was evaluated and cardiologist consult diagnose me with cardiomegaly. During said physical, if the MEPS doctor disqualified you for having major depression, then the service (Navy) pays for the psych consult. Hope this helps and good luck! The only service that might consider waiver is the Army. Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood Roads and pavements Public transport Transport options for older people, people with a disability and people with SEN Cycling Road safety Sustainable transport Closing a road for a play street or street party event Improving the school gate area at school drop off and pick up time (school streets) Our traffic reduction programme (healthy . Each record represents one medical condition reported I once more expressed that in no way is this possible, I have not, would not, and never under any circumstance will self harm, however I am still disqualified, but the doctor expressed that it is alright, you can submit a BUMED waiver for this. Best for treating a range of mental health concerns: Amwell. And I walked in, I sat down, they gave me a piece of paper that said: Kid, I went up there, I said, Shrink, I want to kill. Im waiting on my date to go back and speak to her/him. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It is my understanding that these are all disqualifying conditions and I will need waivers according to DoDI 6130.03. What they ask depends on what you say. You'll go to MEPS and take the ASVAB, but your processing will be terminated at a certain . MEPS is used to ensure that you can meet those demands without causing harm to yourself or to others. The Oath of Enlistment Ceremony, or Swearing In Ceremony, takes place at the MEPS office. I will request those immediately and let you know what the papers say. garretr99; Thread; Nov 22, 2017; A Navy recruiting blog that delves into the military enlistment process and benefits of service. I need a consult also but recruiter keeps giving me false hope every week its the same thing he just tells me next week he will have info and nothing its been a month now thinking of trying Air Force Im doing army. Has 14 years experience. How this issue was brought about was when I went back up to MEPS for my second time to ship for the Marine Corps. Thoughts? Learn more about the process at MEPS, including where it's conducted, what happens there, and details on the medical evaluation and testing. what is the consult?? My MEPS does not accept letters in lieu of medical records. My recruiter has never heard of such a thing, and is debating if its worth trying to pass. If it is ordered by the MEPS doctor then it is no cost to you. Sent me down the hall, said Youre our boy. Over the past couple of years, I have received a large number of emails asking me about the waiver process for medical issues. Only disqualified applicants require waivers. Coast Guard Jobs: A List of all 24 Jobs in The Coast Guard, Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 93 Ratings In The Navy, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Army Achievement Medal (AAM): 6 Things To Know, Military TDY: Temporary Duty Assignment Explained, UMF 40-8-1-E (Drug/Alcohol and HIV Acknowledgement), USMEPCOM Form (UMF) 40-1-15-1-E (Medical History), UMF 40-1-18 (Identifying/Permanent Markers/Piercings). Commander, Navy Recruiting Commands medical staff (CNRC N3M) which includes a doctor and a small cadre of Navy Corpsman who work at the CNRC headquarters in Millington, Tn. Each Service I recently separated from the navy as an HM2 my re-enlistment code was RE-R1, got accepted to pharmacy school and on my first year, Im currently applying to HSCProgram and got my MEPS physical done 2 days ago. N3M will then make a recommendation to the Admiral (usually within 3-5 days depending on backload). Thyroid blood levels are within normal limits. This is one of those things you have to weigh. When swearing in the Enlistment Officer will have you repeat the enlisted or officer oath. I have a history of thyroid nodules and wanted to run a recent thyroid ultrasound from the past year by you since thyroid nodules can medically disqualify an individual. The doc will ask questions about past incidents (I'm assuming there's self harm - this is the most frequent reason we do psych consults) to see if you fit into a category in the DSM-5. For more information about higher level courses currently available, please speak to your tutor or the Curriculum Leader. Now it is going to sergeant general for final approval. Check out the required ASVAB scores for jobs in each branch of the military below: Prior to actually attending MEPS you will complete a pre-screening process with your recruiter. I am trying to join the Army as a Cyber Operations Specialist. If the results of the waiver are denied, is this endeavor over, or is there a possibility of enlistment in another branch, or so on. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Thanks! Better to admit "yeah, I was wrong" than say "what?! gerontology, psych. On examination, they thyroid has decreased minimally and is now 1-1/2 times normal size. They provide two types of consultations - a patient consultation and liaison psychiatric consultation. You can be disqualified at this point of the process for serious medical issues that would affect service such as being blind, having certain disorders such as Bipolar Disorder or for lying to your recruiter. I am hoping that you could answer a few questions that I have. 2. The most likely way I believe that these scars were recieved would be that I was a softball player for years and have been cleared with metal softball cleats and ran into chain linked fences more times than I can count, especially with my main position being catcher. Would a waiver be needed for this? The MEPS doctor is asking for all of my past medical records and I am complying with this request. Each MOS, AFSC or Rating will have minimum scores for certain areas of the ASVAB test relating to the job function. But what about the other branches? Administrative Hold ("N" Status) Process 9-8 58 . Any thoughts on the Doctors comments in the report below? You can't BS a BS-er. They pay for it. 3 Answers C5H5N in water > C5H5NH+ & OH- Kb = [C5H5NH+] [OH-] / [C5H5N] 1.5e-9 = [x] 1. You will complete urinalysis testing including drug testing as well. That said, diagnosed ADHD would require a waiver and if you are treated by any stimulants, you will need to be off of them for a year before you can join. Im not worried about failing the psych evaluation because I have no history of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, etc. Inside the facility keep talking to a minimum. I know this is the Marines side of the house but my OSO sent me through DODMERB instead of MEPS. I dont take no medication or anything and I havent had any office visits since 2000 in reference about this. d. A minimum of two years has elapsed since release from treatment. I, And I started jumpin up and down, yellin KILL! Everyone's medical situation is different. I was playing devil's advocate. You dont get a second chance to lie to the military. As of January 30, 2012, N3M is still known as N3M, but is listed as N33 in the organizational chart. Note 2: The advice and prognostications delivered in the comments by NavyDoc are based on his years of experience as a MEPS Chief Medical Officer, and he is only able take into account the information you provide, so for a more definitive response, ensure you are thorough with the description of your issue(s). Some conditions that may require supporting documentation or waivers include asthma, ADHD, autism and flat feet, (click on each condition for more information). The thing is it was for conditions that I was tested for and found that I do not have, a thyroid condition and ADD. The latter propose that neither the left-right cleavage nor . I can wait 3, 6 or 9 months before enlisting. The MEPS is a national household survey that generates sampling weights to obtain nationally representative estimates on health care use and expenditures in the United States. The fact that it wasnt an outright no is promising. Ensure to bring your ID, birth certificate, Social Security card, and any medical documents. MEPS begins with pre-screening at your recruiters office and ends with taking the Oath of Enlistment. Pre-screening is the first step of your MEPS visit and occurs with your recruiter prior to attending MEPS. I am currently 16 years old and i want to join out of high school. I had a catheter device inserted under my skin by my my rib cage to put the medicine thru. Sonog, Squorch is right; integrity is what your entire career is built upon, and it takes years to create and only seconds or a single choice to destroy. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. Hi Doc, The response I received back was vague and the recruiter said he actually never looked at it He went on to say that it wasnt something I should concern myself with; that my paperwork requesting a waiver (for aforementioned issue) was sent. Please be sure you get adequate rest beforehand since it might be a long day and make sure you eat breakfast. Thank you for all your help! This process includes a Medical Pre-screen of Medical History Report. What type of drug test do they do at MEPS? You must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for examination. What you say influences what else they ask and what the ultimate disposition of your case is. This will require you to be viewed in your under garments. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, How To Join The US Military As A Non-Citizen. I understand if I fail at MEPS and dont get a waiver, I might not get a second chance? He appeared euthyroid. Your email address will not be published. Posterior Thigh _____ 4. If they think you're trying to game them or tell them what they want to hear they'll see through that in a heartbeat. Just be honest with your recruiter and go through the process. Doc, Verification Process 9-6 57 . When having your pulse checked, 99 or below is considered normal. Well, I got the references and paperwork to my recruiter last week and for some reason they seem to be stalling with sending my paperwork in. Any. It does not belong to any particular service division. Your employment history or school attendance subsequent to rehabilitation is favorable, and. DD Form 93 e-Signature Process 9-10 60 This process includes ensuring you are mentally and physically ready for joining. You raise your right hand and repeat the Oath after the Officer. #3. All recruits complete a medical questionnaire and undergo an evaluation that includes height and weight measurements, hearing and vision exams, urine and blood tests, and drug and alcohol tests. JavaScript is disabled. People may share their anecdotal experiences or stories they've heard from others about getting a waiver for a condition. Required fields are marked *. Would anyone here have a recommendation for who to see or what kind of evaluation to request? A structured treatment milieu and 24-hour medical and skilled nursing care, daily medical evaluation and management, (including Im just worried about them not accepting me. view of the process of consultation, including (a) an introduction to consultation as a distinct professional practice; (b) consultation within the competency- based framework, which provides a blueprint for practice; (c) law and ethics in consul-tation; (d) an orientation to HSP and the role of consultation; (e) inter professional Thank you for responding sir! After taking the ASVAB test, or if you have a qualifying score already, you will move onto medical evaluation. TSH results 0.81 (normal range 0.35 4.94 mlU/L) Its a psychiatric evaluation. Do you think any of these entities will offer a waiver (assuming they want him) after he is DQ in the DODMERB process? Hey, I know this can vary from person to person. 2.0 Data File Information This file contains 104,855 records. To prepare for MEPS, gather medical history information prior to heading to to the station. Your recruiter should have blueprinted you before submitting your application and pushed you through MEPS before, we can do this. This has been going on for about a week Every time I try to watch a video on Youtube from my laptop I get instantly redirected to "" I am looking for some insight on what to expect in the future. Best for a free assessment: Doctor on Demand. You must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for examination. He had no symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. To test for any muscle, coordination or posture issues a fitness test will be performed. Questions lead to answers which lead to other questions which lead to other answers. This is NOT an official United States Navy or government web site. They placed him on thyroid medication for Hashimotos thyroiditis. All applicants will go through a Applicant Behavioral Health interview. They will ask you go over the documents you had previously completed as well as additional information. I told them about my self harm scars at the end, and they temporarily DQd me and told me to follow up with their physiciatrist. Guidence is greatly appriciated! Accessions Medical Prescreen Report If you require a psych consult, MEPS will schedule and pay for it. Afterwards, the doc said because I was still very obviously and clearly against what she thought about my tattoo, she sent me to see, I guess the head doc who just happened to be the one who had interviewed me. Also I scored really high on the mock ASVAB at army career center. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My son is applying for 3 service academies (Army, Navy, Air Force) as well as ROTC for each of these 3 branches in order to achieve his dream of becoming an officer in the armed forces. 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O- Open Status waiver process for medical issues get adequate rest beforehand since might! Meps and I am hoping that you will participate in the organizational chart individual has taken... A condition cage to put the medicine thru provided with stations to place personal items you... As quickly as possible fail at MEPS and take the ASVAB test relating to the.... After performing medical testing you will perform medical and physical testing as well as completing questionnaires much the! This action was performed automatically a patient consultation and liaison psychiatric consultation request for examination C5H5N, is x... Years, I know this can vary from person to person as possible a... Answers on forms and a discussion will all be used to ensure that you can meet those standards hey I.

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