Blame? He just treated me like crap with little remorse, but I dismissed it because I was still head over heals in love with him. Especially saying we been together for 13yrs. After talking it through a lot, I decided to give it a second go. Next click where it says visit my website right under my picture. I told her I will never give up on our marriage and would never consider a divorce. He recently started to try again but my love is not there. There was no romance, no love, no plan to leave. To make it work, you do need to become a listener like she wants. i go over it in my head 100% of the time, i cannot sleep or anything. A week later he came to me saying he cant stand not having me in his life and so we got back to what we were, however, I was soon to learn that during the week we were not speaking, he began sleeping with one of my friends, and this continued even though we were trying to make things work again. When it started. i am prepared to take as long as it takes even if i an unhappy and alone on the journey. We wanted to provide links to some resources that may be relevant to you here. Now she lives with her baby father although she doesnt like it there 100%. I wanted her sympathy becuz I have falling in love with her about a year passed and she finally told me she loved me and I was so happy I forgot about the lie and we been dating for more than 2 years and then the lie came out and I confessed the lie and now our relationship is on the rock because of the lie. Otherwise, youll end up with kids and no husband. he even has blocked all contacts with me. She says as of right now we are not together but she doesnt know what the future holds for us. But it isnt, especially at the wrong object. Hes even came home with a hair on his privates and make multiple excuses. Laura, My boy friend left with a baby of about 3yrs old,he never care,i want him,i need a help. It was wrong lying to him in the first place and I regret it. We had our petty fights, but nothing serious until we had a pregnancy scare. I dont know what do anymore since we do have daughter and I have to see him. I tried to find a way to, but Instead I let him continue in order to not make him feel bad for the alcohol induced performance problems And in doing that I disrespected my husbands feelings. I can keep trying, he has reached a point of no more, and now Im on the list. We have shared our heart breaks and our dislikes such as the detest for liars. Turned out to be her leaving me and going to another guy 2 weeks later. Hi Bronny, I cant seem to leave get alone until she tells me why. As for your job, I agree, you cant quit til you have something else lined up. Me and my husband (together 10 years, married 18m) have 2 children together. That was a lie to buy myself some time. PostedMarch 27, 2018 It may be helpful to work through your feelings and concerns with a qualified and compassionate mental health professional, even if you seek help on your own. I trusted him. This past week she saw that I was very unhappy and that it was causing a lot of problems to our relationship so she decided to close the open relationship, now idk what to think. We still really love each other but are trying to get some space now to figure out if we can make this work. How csn I win her trust back? It will be a very good step for you. But I didnt like that he was still entertaining her calls. I just cant get over the feeling that I will get hurt again, sooner or later. I fear that well be several days without talking because he doesnt have this need to talk that I do and also maybe he feels that if he contacts me hes giving me a hope that hes not sure of. Fast forward 9 months later, she was still in our lives. eventually she got sick of me dissapearing when she needed me and leaving her alone wondering what im doing. Thank u so much. I said some pretty bad stuff that in my heart I really dont mean it. She actually mentioned that she thinks the reason she let her coworker into her life is because he is confident. Im still talking to him despite my Friends advice. First you say you werent sure you even wanted to continue the relationship. He was mad because I didnt have a job when I was pregnant last year. I had been hoping we would push the relationship a step further by seeing each other more, but she has two kids and a busy job and I travel for work about 10 days a month. My H and I are currently separated. I know I am also at fault for things in our relationship. We were together for 15 years, and things took a turn for the worse about 5 years before the end. I went there and spent two weeks and on my last day there on the way to the airport someone texted him and I texted them back and they were basically willing to meet up with him it was a girl . In discussions it tends to turn into me talking about all of my issues and how bad a person I am, which doesnt help. The thought of the pain I have caused him is unbearable and I also feel that I cannot live without him. I also believe I will find true love (which I did with her). Most days Im incapable of a clear or rational thought. Her so much I cant take another. Hello!! I love him and miss him dearly but to be used and manipulated forced me to do this. Ive told him its what I need for happiness and security. I forgave him mainly because we werent together during that time, even tho it wasnt long. You need to let the other person see, and hear about, your weaknesses. Then i started to fall.We had our fights and she wanted to leave me at least 4 different times. It looks like theyre trying too hard. She began borrowing money from me almost weekly for work expenses. I thought the lady next door was my friend they ended up screwing why I was at work in my garage on a weight bench. Being with the other man would mean being happy and in love, but struggling financially and breaking my daughter from a family unit with her father. 4 months back my husband found out about him and I came clean. He is impatient and rude with me, says hurtful things. I said if its that hopeless why doesnt she say her finally good bye to me. But now he claims he forgives me and wants to work this out, but lately idk Ive just been feeling like he doesnt love me or really forgive me. I am crushed. After a year, I graduated and had a great summer spending a lot of time with my girlfriend and seeing wonderful places all over the state. Was just after any extra suggestions you may have. I have lost respect for my spouse for many reasons. Its important not to point fingers but rather to look at oneself. It was within the group. He isnt trying to leave, or make me leave, or not be there for our son. Hi Darkness Please change your nickname! They love each other. The problem is this new life makes me feel anxious and insecure. Remember, this all started because HE cheated on you. I met a guy you loved me from last 5 years but told me last year . He told me that he feels I do not respect him, I am mean to him, I do not show a nurturing side to him, and he said since he works so hard (he has a construction job) He should be able to come home, with no fussing or accusations. He most likely lied that the cheating was just emotional. Yesterday we were at an outing where everyone was drinking and I made a huge mistake. i have no friends to speak of or family i can go to, and as i said i dont work either. He has made some changes but this things are completely unacceptable. Looking back on it now I can see how we both failed to nurture and care for our marriage. And that draws you together. We want to grow old together and have the same goals in life but lately I have been questioning my love which makes me quite upset.I know deep down inside that we are soul mates. Copyright 2011 by By Deb Hirschhorn, PhD. Ps. She lives next door with a guy and told my BF that we should switch partners. Hello DrDeb, Peters car was parked in her driveway. And that means the first step is to love and appreciate yourself. Thanks for taking the time to read all this. Im concerned about a person who wont take responsibility. This is a update on my previous post and I really really need your advice. Shes working on herself now and Im doing the same. He left me. I asked her if she was seeing another guy apart from me and she told me the truth that she dated a guy but she doesnt fill anything for this guy but all of a sudden this guy started worrying about and also asking me questions about the girl Im dating to be honest I didnt tell the guy anything because I trust the girl Im dating but the guy she dated told me that the girl Im dating told him Im his friend but she doesnt love me and I said okay if thats is the case then we will call this girl in front of me and the guy we did that and when she saw the guy she run away. But Ive damaged him so severely now, that I cant break through to him anymore. This woman wants a whole person, I would guess. It could be that they're already married, or that their parents hate us a la Romeo and Juliet, or it could be because they simply don't feel the same way about us. Now he is really angry n says to end up our relation and rather be friends. He does have trouble getting an erection sometimes, and he later admitted that was why he had done it. All good. iv been wit my man for 9 years now but we are not married, we have a kid and now she is 6 years old,, we met in high school whith my boy friend and there everything was preety good, we used to love each other very much share everything together bt last year early things started to change, i found him in our bed whith this other girl, since then evrythn was not good he never gave me a reason to forgive him for what he did. Asked what happened to her? He found me using drugs three times. Since we have a newborn and are both pretty occupied our arguments are left unfinished. The first 3 years were great. We became the best of friends, but also sexual partners. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. I dont think you really, really know who he is deep down and I dont think he does, either. And I cant understand whats on his mind. Naturally or unnaturally, the new baby in our life led to decreased intimacy. It doesnt stay inside. He said I had to work on me, and to not focus on him. Understand that it's natural to still love your ex. Every day I saved her multiple times from aspiration. Im scared to be alone. I didnt really know what to say at the time but said we can seek out help and offered the support which I always have. She was already rather fragile to begin with. I started drinking way too much. I would really appreciate some advise. We lived together, slept together, and had sex, which was passionate at first. Then in July I found out I didnt get into a grad program I had my heart set on. I want to, and soon! A big part of therapy, maybe the biggest according to research spanning over 20 years, is the relationship with the therapist. I feel really bad. This article focuses on two people who are genuinely in tune to each other. Am I trying to rush things too much? Will Smith. I have never loved a woman like I love her, and I honestly dont think I ever will again. All rights reserved. She is unable to plan or focus. Read self-help books for it or seek affordable therapy. Now that this person is sober my love for them has became hate,but I stay because we have a daughter together.i want to be able to love my partner the way I used to love them before, do you think it can happen again? About six months of this go by I eventually had to end things with her. So I hope this is a skill your therapist has. I want my family together. I gave him the space I knew he needed. You can't just go back to life before you knew them. 3 times, with one person. It just is. If hes not sure about her, he may abandon both of you anyway. He started talking to a 22 year old in South Dakota through Skype. Yet, of course, there is an equal fear of being alone, so the couple sets up rules just like the one you and your hubby seem to have: dont leave, but dont be too close either. I feel horrible. What should i do I need help from anyone at this point Need advise. I did but couldnt do it completely. He still wants to be with me, he still says hes in love with me, but he just cant go back to normal immediately. I got angry because to me it felt like he was letting her win and he finally said I dont need you to agree with me, I just need you to support me. Despite all this, I didnt support him. Change your way. He also admitted to me that we wants to have sex with other women but he still wants me as well. I wont give up on him. You should be going to NA meetings, do the steps, have a sponsor and have personal therapy. This is frustrating her and causing her to give up hope. She does not really speak to any of them and stays behind when I take the kids to go visit them. I understand that forgiveness will take time. I asked him what that was all about & he complained that Peter had made him feel like an idiot & incapable of being the good mechanic he is. A no-pressure approach is the opposite of the needy approach and in and of itself is respect-worthy, therefore attractive. We are both in our early 20s and I think Im too young to have this kind of stress in my life and so is he. Show him that you mean what you say and say what you mean. Come here and we can marry and have children. It seems to me I keep asking my spouse for the talking and he turns the session around to another subject that ends up hurting me and I feel the therapist doesnt see this. This is because that is the only profession that deems it fine for the same therapist to see both members of a couple alone. I understand what he was trying to do. It opened my eyes and want to work on us as a family. I lost my job and began looking for work where her new job was. You both have to agree to counseling to learn communication or you might as well forget it. I feel nothing in his presence, I feel regret for letting 14 years of my life pass by while enduring someone who has no feelings. I continued to work through the bills across a period of 6 months & noting in bright hi-lighter every call he had made to her. When this happens, you see sides of them that are not always pleasing all the bad traits that most others wouldnt even dream of attributing to them. Im so lost. I could even start seeing my life without him but because I trully love him and because he asked for one last chance, I stay. I could not eat in a week if argument. In these admissions, he/she too will be vulnerable, and this will open the door wider to falling in love again. Ive been so upset for 3 days because im going crazy and im nervous about what will happen if I talk to him. We live together, and I think he is planning on proposing to me, he drops a lot of hints, and says he wants to spend his life with me. Generally, people dont change in their deepest core too readily. He has gone back and forth so many times. Is it a therapist who specializes in trauma? I told him of all the things he used to do that made me unhappy (though I was happy sometimes, just not for long periods) then ended with the discoveries I made..He was pis. My wife has just started an executive MBA which involves travel and I am 100% behind her in making sure she is successful. What should i do? Stay away from this guy. Then I find out after we had done it, he had been with someone else during that time we were seperated but supposably together. And furthermore, if you could take him back then he should be mature enough to take you back. He feels like I dont show him that I love him and it makes me sad because I do but I know deep down its the hurt thats caused me to become so guarded and cold towards him. I will never give up but I could use some ideas, I have attended counseling and quit drinking, but she is very resistant to individual or eventual couples counseling. Ive been selfish and a taker and I understand that I caused much of this. He says I really hurt him when I did that and he doesnt know how to get around it. She couldnt and cursed me out never to hear from me again. Started out when he was about 23 he was in a very bad car accident broke his back in two places was in a come or for three months and he survived and today I or no one would even know how bad he was hurt. They married and had another baby within a year. Im special to her, but she seems too hurt. No youre right sorry I should have been a little more specific. Our marriage of 39 years has had good times, but I have constantly felt my husbands disconnection in both emotional & sexual intimacy. Our relationship was great though, until that night. We have been intermittently going to therapy since then, we spent Christmas together, etc. started to disappear cause of the absence of my Too much focus on how rotten you feel about your actions point your attention back to yourself and thats not where it belongs. Every time he picks up his phone I get sick knots in my stomach. Forget him. He agreed to reconcile 2 separate times but just couldnt do it. A couple months later he cheated on me with his ex fiance. Who's your supplier? Don't forget that you will live again and love again. I had 2 relationships between my in famous breakup and the one Im in now. Night before she texts me that its formal. Hi Meeka, This is exactly how I feel. At the moment she said leave it here at the moment I dont think shes decided yet as she is currently trying to heal. Communication stopped also, basically everything that makes a relationship work doesnt exist anymore. I dont know what to do in these situations, because I usually bug her about why she is irritated usually to the point where she says she doesnt feel like dealing with this relationship anymore, How do I fix this and what can I do to get this relationship back to the spark that we used to have in the beginning ox the relationship. As for where to live, there is such a thing as a roommate service you can look into. Id get so mad because shed play games with me and Id lose my head. The thought of sex with anyone but him is not an option for me. be im scared she might reject me, shes a beautiful, Or should I even try? Some Churches make this mandatory. I was caught looking through his moms medicine. However, that wasnt the case. We have 3 kids and a confirtable lifestyle which are the only reasons I am still here. i think i was under the impression i was relieving the pressure from my partner and supporting/helping.i fear i did wrong, she passed sadly 3 days after my partners birthday just before Christmas 2014, and January 1st he said i no longer love you. She texted after, that she was sorry for being rude and mean that she had her hopes up for me attending and didnt want to be let down. If you're this miserable, it's time to end things. 5 months later he texted me and I decided to talk to him again and slowly we began to rebuild what we had and finally are in a relationship now. You need to understand your feelings so that you can both honor them (ie, not sweep them under the rug) and deal with them in a healthy way. Listen, as young people, we can dream. She doesnt know when Im broke. Note that i do not call her. He has broken every promise outside that. For myself as well, but for her? He is so full of resentment and anger towards me. Also, I applaud you for wanting to give a stable home to his children. When someone you thought is the closest to you goes on to hurt you it becomes very tough to deal with the situation and I even felt like I couldnt trust myself anymore :(. But there's a fine line between "want" and "need," and when the "need" outweighs the "want," you have a . He left me a few weeks ago to go live with someone he reconnected with over Facebook from years ago. Ive recognized many of the things here, including not validating her enough, not making her feel accepted or adored and supported, and many other shortcomings I feel guilty for in oversight. I fell back into the same hole as 3 years ago. I think things have become so routine, expected and mundane that sexual interest on my end pretty much stopped. last year we had his nan staying with us, i dont work at the moment due to illness, and his nan raised him from being a child had terminal cancer and needed care, so i had her here and i cared for her went through all the chemo and pain and sadness with her. Ive been in a 2nd relationship for 15 years. I am also thinking that he and his parents are the only people who gave you love and care. I have been unfaithful to my wife for 10 years. Remember this: Loving is giving. Nowadays, if we get into an argument hell just threaten to leave the relationship. Admittedly, its a very new relationship, but somehow we connected very quickly on a deep level. Although I have valid reasons for it he could not give me a good enough reason except for his own selfishness. She keeps them bottled in. Take it from someone whos been around over twice as long as you and have been betrayed more than once. that she got drunk and tried taking off her clothes. He just says if I block her and she kills herself then I will never forgive myself The kind of trust and respect we had is something that neither of us had ever had with anyone before and is devastating to lose. Somehow, we sat down and talked and moved on but now there was a wall between us. I started going to therapy and it has done wonders. I only speak from experience. That happens to be a bad idea but our society works that way. and im so desperate right now. Again, my head understands that we tried that (being together to fix things) and nothing changed. Started doing activities with them and really enjoying myself. as he texted him on facebook. I Have spent the last 15 on antidepressants. Part of your therapy will also be to put yourself in her shoes. 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