Otherwise, continue to check back to our discussions, or consider joining our FH Support Group here: https://community.familyheart.org/welcome. This is a very specialized MRI scan thats tuned to show the nerves (9). My husband had an unscheduled triple bypass in December 2019, two weeks after his 73rd birthday. Midterm followup occurred between 13 and 21 months after surgery. Im doing fallowups, mabie blood sugar, but i drink orange juice. When this sheath gets damaged there can also be a problem with nerve function. He does not like me nagging on himI am only trying to get hin to do what he needs to do so he can come home, but he has been through so much, the nurse said when the patient is ready to do the work they will. He almost killed me. Its a continuing problem. Is wondering if anyone else has had Open Heart Surgery?? This really bothers me. 10 weeks in hospital overall. Fortunately did not have to be hospitalized. I have had such an emotional and spiritual journey. Great to read every ones experiences Im 64 smoked like a chimney most of my life so had all this coming .I am six months after my bypass. Any information would be reassuring. The surgery helps blood make a detour, or bypass, around one or more narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. The scar tissue constricts the nerve which reduces the transport of critical chemicals that the nerve needs to stay healthy. Im feeling great. That was a mistake. I am not gaining weight but definately feel like the band is tighter. I read in some blog that it is good to drink 2 glasses of beer and I had on couple of occasions. Hope this post helps someone. My partner in in the hospital as well. His 1st open heart surgery involved a valve replacement six years prior, which he fully recovered from. I was 55 inches and 170 lbs. This group of medicines is used to blunt pain and sensation during surgery. I biked 40-50 miles a week. Also lost all normal taste. And the longer the surgery, the greater the chance that numbness will occur. My vision comes and goes, after surgery I didnt use my glasses, now after nine weeks I need them almost all the time. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I did have to laugh at the lady on the phone at their office.. This all came out of nowhere- now understand it is certainly genetics Im doing pretty well. Everybody, hang in there. In August i had an aorta anyerism that dissected all the way down my aorta. Thank you contributors, one and all. I will be going back for my 6 months check up. God bless ?? Not!! I am quite nervous about being prepared, but I am getting through that. i slipped in the sand landed on my but and now im hurting. Of course be sure to ask me about numbness and recovery with all surgical procedures. I wont have it done again even if its needed. I had a calcium score build up test and was told I should be dead and was lucky not to have had a heart attack because that would have killed me. Could that be the wires? The discomfort should easy around 3 months. Diane B, Hi all, its been very interesting reading all of the comments. On January 29 I underwent OHS and had a quadruple bypass. Thank you for sharing your experience. Theresa, Our situations sound very similar. I was committed to the ICU for almost 6 months and then shortly after was recommitted another 2 months for complications with fluid buildup in my lungs. Former professional athlete and still very active Non smoker, proper weight, etc., was ambushed by heredity. I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. Had full set of Labs last week. I have good and bad days, but considering how Im just short of 5 weeks removed from the surgery, I feel, based on my progress so far, that the good outweighs the bad. Things can and often do get better with time. I have dropped over30 pounds since surgery 90 days ago, and I am working 5-6 hours a day. But i am also improving my life style choices and recomend watching the 515 blood sugar documentary by dr micheal mosley..and eat fast and live longer. I have persevered and increased the massage pressure and the whole area has improved and the pain has gone Although, Im still tired, I am not tired on the days I workout. Handb Clin Neurol. The first phase of heart surgery recovery can last from 6 to 8 weeks. I would like to hear and communicate with others who are going/have gone through the same or similar thing. Dr. Creighton Wright answered. Im glad to be alive. Neuroreport. Mastitis is an infection in a clogged duct. I only have to walk over the road and have to stop. Wish you all well. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. I am 55 years old and 2 weeks post triple bypass surgery and struggling to stay positive. This is why many operating rooms feature padded surgical tables. Hello Everyone, I thought I was alone with aortic disease until I read everyones post. i am still young and have a very young kid i wasnt the best for her and see that she has a progressive life. But one year ago I was diagnosed prediabetic. Mary A. Hello Mary. I have, learned so much from reading all the posts and hope. The heat right now seems to be having a big impact on the dizziness. Asks Alice. Dr. Badhwar is a leading heart valve surgeon having performed over 3,000 heart valve repair and replacement operations during his 20-year career. so live and love and know God loves you. Now full pescatarian and its been hard but, I dont want to see the OR again. My stitches will come off on Monday, and so far, I am very happy with my progress. Very similar to what I felt just after my surgery. I had a triple bypass just about four months ago. So, glad to hear what is normal anymore? Post-surgical bloating and swelling is mostly eased with time. How Rare is Finding a Romantic Relationship for Rare Patients? There is a Graft (Tube like) in my Aorta and also St.Judes valve replaced. I have started hitting a few golf balls and hope to play in a few weeks. All I can say is you will not go one day sooner than God wants you . Surprisingly ( after a minor heart attack which may or may not be related), I found out that I had a very large hole in my heart. I still have dreadful pain in my breasts after open heart surgery. *DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx Procedures have a success and failure rate. My mother had hers over 10 yrs ago & still gets them on/off but not frequent. Thank you so much and continued healing! As it stands many people are still afraid of such operations. He has good days (last week he actually began to jog with me, albeit very briefly) and not-so-good days (yesterday he was exhausted after a very slow 2-mile walk). Unfortunately I have never received any replies to my previous posts. Its only 3 months so Im praying it will get better and I do keep myself going cause God did give me another chance with life and lost 45lbs in 3 months since surgery. Im 7 months past OHS- heart valve replacement, (bicuspid to tri- cuspid) aneurysm on the ascending aorta. Am I the only one? I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. This major operation leaves them with a long chest incision and a lengthy recovery. I am horrified that I will have to undergo another OHS! I have just gone off all pain meds and I ache all over. Read More. It hurts when I breathe in deeply, exercise, and even when I'm re, I had bypass surgery 12 weeks ago. My biggest concern is my age. Hello folks, 13 years ago I had a porcine valve replacement and all went well, I had also had a single bypass, nerve block, pace maker and Aortic graft put in at the same time but this year the valve reached the end of its useful life. As I write this ( 5/13/2019 at 7:30 pm) I just this morning had a CT scan of my Aorta and have an apointment with my surgeon tomorrow. Im becoming really concerned. walking) when you have the clearance to do so. I did them daily for a year. Thanks for the blog. I have stopped smoking and drinking alcohol. Hi Vince. The Meds also have my Kidney Function borderline, so I cant take any NSAIDS for the stiffness that I sometimes get from exercising, not really a big deal as I only took them 4-5 times/year anyway. Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. I'm really stressing over this and I'm hoping to gain some information on what I can expect. Feeling often returns in the months following surgery. Two weeks after surgery I was off my pain medication, Im walking about 3 to 3.5 km every day, and yes, still get a lil out of breath climbing stairs. My Surgery was on March 20th 2019. So, dont worry much about Bobs situation as he will come out of it. Even though the surgery went well I am wrestling with post surgical anemia and mild asthma which affects my breathing and stamina. I had the surgery 2 years ago and I am still experiencing pain in my sternum with every breath. I still have incredible numbness in both incisions, leg and chest. Find and research over 1,500 patient-recommended heart valve surgeons. 63 years old with no symptoms whatsoever. To straighten my shoulders and stand up straight hurts so au am hunched over. Around 6-8 weeks are expected for the bone to heal properly (without any complications), while recovery from an open heart is variable from person to person. The past few weeks been walking with a 5 pound weight. I read get used to it thats how it is going to be from now on. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Treating it as "normal" is a risky thing there could be all kinds of possible reasons for pain and some are serious. Or will I get by with a good recovery ??? I am 67 and had a double bypass for 3 blockages August 2017. During this time now of Corona Virus I am scared out of my mind to go anywhere. Hey all. Antibiotics cause weight loss and always have nagging cough. Heck, he was doing TAVR on every one else?! My ribs are finally feeling better but I still have pain in my breasts and tightness around the scar. Little did I know my doctors would be out of the picture and the doctors at the rehab hospital would be in charge of my care. I had triple bypass 5 months ago and was also put on Metoprolol. You never know how much they can inspire. I would love to know if you are still having this problem..and if so, what is it like now?. This is after 5 years of struggling with high blood pressure, then low blood pressure, over 15 cardiac catheterizations and 8 stents, an MI and TIA. I hope you can talk to your Dr. About the meds. This was the first time in my life that Ive been sick. I cant walk a flight of 10 stairs without having to stop, sometimes I sit in my recliner and shortness of breath comes outta know where and it freaks me out. This was at the time described as trivial and was monitored by the hospital for 5 years when it became a severe mitral regurgitation. platelet-rich plasma PRP). I too take one day at a time. They just seem horribly difficult right now. I was walking at least 3 times a week before Christmas. Cytokine. Ive looked all over for a cabg forum but cannot find. I have experienced certain sense of euphoria and intense appreciation for not only my life but ALL life around me. My name is Laura. ), then I have some good days & dont get too tired. In this case, the area below the cut nerve could go numb. See below for the nerve-related side effects of several common procedures: There are a few tests to consider if you or your doctor suspect nerve damage after surgery: This is an electrical test of the nerves function. I know what my limitations are and am trying to remain positive. But it's important to "refuel." Food gives . I start cardiac rehab very soon and walk 4-5 days a week. My second one was this past August 2014. While we cannot give you medical advice, we may be able to help you find an FH specialist. 2011 Jul 20;93(14):1288-93. doi:10.2106/JBJS.J.00369, (7) Khambati FA, Shetty VP, Ghate SD, Capadia GD. Unfortunately there is no cure and it resolves itself, but mine is back again after lifting bags of Xmas shopping. I am 70 never smoked, drank in moderation and always active. Don't Get Enough Food or Drink. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Then Im having freezing and hot flashes to the point Im under four blankets a heated blanket, socks, sleeping pants and shirt. Hand numbness: Numbness, tingling, and pain in the fingers suggests a pinch nerve that may originate in the neck, elbow, or wrist. I am 7 months late already. Alas, I had to inform her she would not be so luckY..!! I was 58 at the time. This blog does not offer advice, in any way, to anyone suffering from this disease. I had the aortic valve replacement just over a year ago too (Im 56). It has only been 3 weeks since the surgery and I am hoping all will get better with time. I was unable to attend the Cardiac Class after surgery. It is hard for me to imagine being physically able to manage going back to work in a few weeks. So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. I walk 5 miles daily and participate in many other activities. Everyones stories are very informative. My name is Jan and Im 54 years old. i have stopped smoking and trying to eat healthy as possible. The most common form causes numbness in the hands, usually in . In the meantime, nerve meds may help. Take care. #2 have you changed your diet? I am back to work at my part time job at Home Depot. My scar is looking better but it is still a little red and some days it itches quite a bit. How Common is Loss of Sensation After Surgery. itchiness. The recovery process of an open heart surgery takes some time. Have always been very active and in pretty good shape. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. Coronary artery bypass surgery creates a new path for blood to flow around a blocked or partially blocked artery in the heart. Trying to find someone experiencing all the symptoms as I am 5 months after quintuple bypass & aorta patch. It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. I am slowly getting back to exercising (playing tennis). I have been told that generally there is a month of healing for every hour of this type of surgery. I had a quadruple bypass on June 7, 2018, so its been just about three months. They can occur because of anesthesia, inability to move during the procedure, or the surgical cut itself. I fought in WWll with my dad in Germany and so forth. 8+ hour long Surgery, 3 days in CICU, 4 days upstairs total of 7 days, then home. You may have been in the intensive care unit some of the time, in . I will not be seeing, I think the pain is nerve endings becoming active again. I wish you the best, I would like to email you and help you through it, speak to your GP bout Renal Failure and Meds, go through every tablet and Google them. What made it worse for me is that I lost my wife just 2 years ago so going through this alone was tough I really have to fight depression. Some days its all day, some days Im ok. I feel so darn alone like no one seems to get what I went thru but me. I think Im suffering from some depression. Thanks Nicky. Dr. Branman. He should be out of the hospital in 4-5 days after surgery. BTW, how are you now? Just an abnormal EKG. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. Joseph Morelli, it is NOT funny but I laughed at your post because it was exactly like my complaint but could not articulate it as well as you. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. This complete loss of sensation or tingling at the incision site is common in all types of plastic surgery, from rhinoplasty to liposuction. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. Recovery time after open heart surgery is about 6-8 weeks. I too had triple bypass surgery on 3rd September. Talk with your surgeon so you understand the risks beforehand. This may last for many weeks and lessen with time. Name is Jan and Im 54 years old and 2 weeks post bypass... Pound weight 13 and 21 months after surgery athlete and still very active and pretty! Can also be a problem with nerve function know what my limitations are and am to! On Monday, and even when i breathe in deeply, exercise, i... 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